Today, Liam had one of those moments that was so darn sweet and loving that it made me feel like the best mom in the world, and the luckiest.
Between working late last night and waking up in the middle of the night with a headache, I didn't get as much sleep as I needed. So I took advantage of Lyn being home due to the weekend and took a much needed nap.
About fifteen minutes after I laid down, Liam came in to join me. Unlike his usual fidgety self, he laid down quietly for a few minutes and just watched me. After a little while he informed me that he needed to read me one of his books. He picked out a Thomas book on the shelf by our bed and looked through the pages while sitting next to me. Then he got down from our bed and fetched Taggie, his lovey, and tucked it in next to my head. Then he went back to his room and got the little dream catcher he made in a recent RE, religious education, class and told me it "So you not get scared." He gave me a kiss and quietly left the room.
In many ways he went through the bedtime routine we do with him every night. These are the little things we do to make him feel loved and safe and this is his way of letting me know that they do matter and he is paying attention. I hope that he feels as loved every night at bedtime as I did as he tucked me in for nap.
Showing posts with label Liam. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liam. Show all posts
Sunday, November 29
Wednesday, November 18
Please forgive the asterisks, I'm hoping to avoid getting picked up by undesirable searches.
Today, we had a comic moment that I don't think I'll ever be able to forget. We went to get some holiday pictures taken at Portrait Innovations and Liam was very comfortable and talkative with the photographer. Shortly into the session he made attempts at conversation in a way that only a three year old can.
First he told her, "I have a little butt." The photographer and I exchanged glances, chuckled and smiled.
Liam then turned to her, very seriously and with emphasis said, "I have a big p*n*s."
The shocked photographer looked at me to see if it was okay to laugh as I'm gasping for air. I don't know the last time I had a laugh that good. I just adore the unfiltered mind of young kiddos.
Liam just stood there watching the ripple of laughter go through the room and asked me, "You okay, Mommy?," which only made me laugh more.
Today, we had a comic moment that I don't think I'll ever be able to forget. We went to get some holiday pictures taken at Portrait Innovations and Liam was very comfortable and talkative with the photographer. Shortly into the session he made attempts at conversation in a way that only a three year old can.
First he told her, "I have a little butt." The photographer and I exchanged glances, chuckled and smiled.
Liam then turned to her, very seriously and with emphasis said, "I have a big p*n*s."
The shocked photographer looked at me to see if it was okay to laugh as I'm gasping for air. I don't know the last time I had a laugh that good. I just adore the unfiltered mind of young kiddos.
Liam just stood there watching the ripple of laughter go through the room and asked me, "You okay, Mommy?," which only made me laugh more.
Tuesday, November 27
Thanksgiving 2007
It was a success!
I sort of followed the menu and cooking schedule in the Nov 2007 issue of Fine Cooking, with a few adaptations and simplifications. It spread the cooking and shopping out so that everything was produced without sweat or heartache and with enough room in the fridge. Plus, the results were terrific.
What was missing, could have been better?
I need my own carving knives. I borrowed Irene’s, which worked quite well too, but having my own would, of course, have been better.
The decor could have used improvement. I used a simple runner and everyday placemats with a vase of flowers with cranberries (thanks to Heather’s innovation) and a few mini pumpkins left out from Halloween. It still looked good and our new table was a huge improvement over what we would have been able to do otherwise. Unfortunately, I was unable to find holiday linen which I found attractive and at a price I was willing to pay. I am hoping to catch something on post season clearance to use for next year.
The sweet potatoes au gratin could really have used some improvement. I used ½ and ½, instead of heavy cream (I’m not sure why. Probably, to cut out some fat) and I soaked the sweet potatoes overnight because I was getting ahead of myself. This just made it too watery and not creamy and it never gratined properly. Plus, I added too many sweet potatoes for the liquid. Sometimes, less is more. It was the slowest moving dish on the table and in the leftovers. It was still tasty though and I’d make it again, but follow the recipe . Honestly, if I were to have made something else I’d like it to be something that is easier to pass around the table. My thoughts at the moment are mashed sweet potatoes with a bit of a cayenne kick and some pineapple chunks or something along those lines.
The rest of the food was fabulous. No really!
I will brine the turkey again, although I think I will be a little more stingy in how much I pay for the herbs to brine it in. I haven’t actually calculated it, but between the $5 brining bag and the fistfuls of fresh herbs I know the brining cost far more then it would have to use a fresh organic instead of the frozen unorganic turkey that I bought.
Making my own stock was great, but if I were crunched on time I would find this the best thing to skip. I wouldn't call it vital.
The herb butter was a wonderful move and I plan to do this again even it I don’t brine. It was cheaper and easier the brining, added flavor, sealed in moisturer and helped create a wonderfully browned skin.
The stuffing was terrific and, as always, the first of the leftovers to go. I made 1 and a half bags of cornbread stuffing for a 12 lb bird and 5 of us. I made Irene’s recipe using hot sausage and added a little fennel. I honestly can’t say the fennel added as much as I expected, but it wasn’t very fresh and Irene calls for more celery leaves then I used. Next time I may just make 2 bags.
My broccoli was yummy. I made the broiled broccoli which I frequently make and we always enjoy.
The cranberry sauce was great, but simple to make. I just added a generous amount of ground cloves, perhaps a little too generous, actually, and fresh orange zest. It looked fabulous in the glass dish Mom got me last Christmas.
Lyn even raved about my gravy, which I'm not very experienced with making. I little oversight from Irene and a good sized splash of sherry in it helped make it a success.
Fred and Irene brought some Toasted Head Pinot Grigio and a pumpkin pie from Sweetish Hill Bakery.
The pie was tasty and very attractive, despite not being homemade and it was made clear that both Fred and Lyn would have preferred pecan pie, but I thing my fresh whip cream made up for it. I had wanted Liam to be able to have pie with us, so asked her to bring pumpkin. Honestly, these men are so particular about having pecan pie on every single holiday that it almost makes me want to intentionally not serve what they demand, but then I am a difficult one.
I have no doubt that I will be asked to make the turkey again someday and I look forward to it.
If I host next year I’d like to invite a couple more people. I did reach out to others this year, trying to include others that I thought might not have family to spend it with, but they all had other plans. I guess I’ve reached a point in life where most of the people I spend time with have enough of a social network that I don’t have to save anybody, what a concept! I did manage to get a brief acknowledgement that it is thanksgiving from everybody before we began eating. Next year I’d like to have somebody who I can get to lead a short message of thanks or perhaps I’ll get brave enough to do so myself. Heck, I could always one of my fire and brimstone relatives, that would certainly liven things up.
I sort of followed the menu and cooking schedule in the Nov 2007 issue of Fine Cooking, with a few adaptations and simplifications. It spread the cooking and shopping out so that everything was produced without sweat or heartache and with enough room in the fridge. Plus, the results were terrific.
What was missing, could have been better?
I need my own carving knives. I borrowed Irene’s, which worked quite well too, but having my own would, of course, have been better.
November 22, 2007, originally uploaded by loralia.
The decor could have used improvement. I used a simple runner and everyday placemats with a vase of flowers with cranberries (thanks to Heather’s innovation) and a few mini pumpkins left out from Halloween. It still looked good and our new table was a huge improvement over what we would have been able to do otherwise. Unfortunately, I was unable to find holiday linen which I found attractive and at a price I was willing to pay. I am hoping to catch something on post season clearance to use for next year.
The sweet potatoes au gratin could really have used some improvement. I used ½ and ½, instead of heavy cream (I’m not sure why. Probably, to cut out some fat) and I soaked the sweet potatoes overnight because I was getting ahead of myself. This just made it too watery and not creamy and it never gratined properly. Plus, I added too many sweet potatoes for the liquid. Sometimes, less is more. It was the slowest moving dish on the table and in the leftovers. It was still tasty though and I’d make it again, but follow the recipe . Honestly, if I were to have made something else I’d like it to be something that is easier to pass around the table. My thoughts at the moment are mashed sweet potatoes with a bit of a cayenne kick and some pineapple chunks or something along those lines.
The rest of the food was fabulous. No really!
I will brine the turkey again, although I think I will be a little more stingy in how much I pay for the herbs to brine it in. I haven’t actually calculated it, but between the $5 brining bag and the fistfuls of fresh herbs I know the brining cost far more then it would have to use a fresh organic instead of the frozen unorganic turkey that I bought.
Making my own stock was great, but if I were crunched on time I would find this the best thing to skip. I wouldn't call it vital.
The herb butter was a wonderful move and I plan to do this again even it I don’t brine. It was cheaper and easier the brining, added flavor, sealed in moisturer and helped create a wonderfully browned skin.
The stuffing was terrific and, as always, the first of the leftovers to go. I made 1 and a half bags of cornbread stuffing for a 12 lb bird and 5 of us. I made Irene’s recipe using hot sausage and added a little fennel. I honestly can’t say the fennel added as much as I expected, but it wasn’t very fresh and Irene calls for more celery leaves then I used. Next time I may just make 2 bags.
November 22, 2007, originally uploaded by loralia.
My broccoli was yummy. I made the broiled broccoli which I frequently make and we always enjoy.
The cranberry sauce was great, but simple to make. I just added a generous amount of ground cloves, perhaps a little too generous, actually, and fresh orange zest. It looked fabulous in the glass dish Mom got me last Christmas.
Lyn even raved about my gravy, which I'm not very experienced with making. I little oversight from Irene and a good sized splash of sherry in it helped make it a success.
Fred and Irene brought some Toasted Head Pinot Grigio and a pumpkin pie from Sweetish Hill Bakery.
The pie was tasty and very attractive, despite not being homemade and it was made clear that both Fred and Lyn would have preferred pecan pie, but I thing my fresh whip cream made up for it. I had wanted Liam to be able to have pie with us, so asked her to bring pumpkin. Honestly, these men are so particular about having pecan pie on every single holiday that it almost makes me want to intentionally not serve what they demand, but then I am a difficult one.
I have no doubt that I will be asked to make the turkey again someday and I look forward to it.
If I host next year I’d like to invite a couple more people. I did reach out to others this year, trying to include others that I thought might not have family to spend it with, but they all had other plans. I guess I’ve reached a point in life where most of the people I spend time with have enough of a social network that I don’t have to save anybody, what a concept! I did manage to get a brief acknowledgement that it is thanksgiving from everybody before we began eating. Next year I’d like to have somebody who I can get to lead a short message of thanks or perhaps I’ll get brave enough to do so myself. Heck, I could always one of my fire and brimstone relatives, that would certainly liven things up.
November 22, 2007, originally uploaded by loralia.
Liam was a ham. He seemed to enjoy the specialness of the occasion and all the yummy food, except the turkey. He never even tried the turkey, but asked for more of the stuffing and the cranberries, as well as, the whip cream.
He was on very good behavior, but distant with his Mimi and Fred Fred. We timed dinner late at 3:30 so that we could serve it after he had had a full nap. That also allowed me time to set the table, shower, and run out to the store for those emergency items. Lyn was helpful, especially with getting the house cleaned up for company. I managed to not have to ask him to watch Liam for more then short bits throughout the day and still spent plenty of time playing with him, which I think added to his angelicness.
Of course, the mysterious stomach bug that knocked us out one by one over the next few days is another story and had nothing to do with my cooking.
He was on very good behavior, but distant with his Mimi and Fred Fred. We timed dinner late at 3:30 so that we could serve it after he had had a full nap. That also allowed me time to set the table, shower, and run out to the store for those emergency items. Lyn was helpful, especially with getting the house cleaned up for company. I managed to not have to ask him to watch Liam for more then short bits throughout the day and still spent plenty of time playing with him, which I think added to his angelicness.
Of course, the mysterious stomach bug that knocked us out one by one over the next few days is another story and had nothing to do with my cooking.
Wednesday, January 17
Values it all seems to be a matter of values. How much of my time do I want to spend pumping and worrying about my milk supply so that I can use breast milk in Liam’s cereal? What efforts am I willing to go through to replenish my freezer stock? How long is long enough? How much is enough and at cost to what other things?
How long before my supply takes another blow and I need to have that stock to fall back on? Exactly how exclusive does one year have to be? One shouldn't cry over split milk, but I do.
For now I pump, once a day at night to fill that freezer back up. I feed him 5 times a day. I use my milk in his cereal. I do this until my freezer is full again. One year is one year. I do this because it is important to me. I hate pumping. Moo.
How long before my supply takes another blow and I need to have that stock to fall back on? Exactly how exclusive does one year have to be? One shouldn't cry over split milk, but I do.
For now I pump, once a day at night to fill that freezer back up. I feed him 5 times a day. I use my milk in his cereal. I do this until my freezer is full again. One year is one year. I do this because it is important to me. I hate pumping. Moo.
Sunday, July 30
Maybe this Tummy-time Thing isn't so Bad...
If you click on the above photo it will bring you to my current photo set of Liam. I also placed in my sidebar a flash album of the photos I have of Liam in my flickr account. That way, even if I don't post them to my blog, those that want to view them can do so easily. I got the photos that I promised up and organized, but didn't get the post describing all the incredible developments that Liam has gone through recently, because I got too distracted playing with the photos.
Me distracted? I know it's hard to believe. Ha!
Wednesday, May 24
Nanny gets to feed Liam
Well, my mom left this morning. We had a really nice visit. In fact it was probably the best time we've had together since I reached puberty.
I’m glad that she got to spend some extended time getting to know Liam at this young age. Her assistance and encouragement was greatly appreciated, as was her company.
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