Friday, September 26, 2008

A Day With Dad

My friend Debbie and I decided that since the bowhunt was over it was our turn to leave the kids with the dads and have a day out. We went to St. George and went to all the stores we are always too busy to hit when we are down there. It was so fun and of course we had to have lunch at the Olive Garden. Yummm!

While I was gone Brandon took the kids on a ride, they packed a lunch and had a picnic. The kids loved it and had a blast, of course they always do when they are with dad! He is a great dad and my kids love to spend time with him, they are pretty lucky. I think Brandon and I are pretty lucky too because we have great kids,

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Hammer Time!

Cody is such a dreamer, which is a good thing. He is always on the look out for card board and truly believes he can make anything out of cardboard and duct tape. He babysat for me so he could earn money to buy his own roll of duct tape. Ever since he was just little he would ask me to make him things like a saddle out of paper towel or a bow and arrow out of paper and duct tape, and lots of other things that sometimes is just plain impossible, I really do try, so last weekend when he wanted to build a fort out in the backyard I was trying to be a good mom and took him to the lumber store to buy some wood. We ran into Brother Gillespie, who is truly one of the nicest people you will ever meet, and he told Cody he had some scrap wood he could have. So Cody hooked his wagon up to his electric skooter, (I wish I had taken a picture) and took some banana cake to trade for the wood! He made quite a haul! He enlisted his best buddy Brennan and the work began. They did it all by themselves, hammered, nailed, sawed and painted. They were so excited and worked so hard, and were very proud of their finished fort! Way to go boys!

Cody concentrating on his paint job.

Brennan, Cody and Tyler who was here on day two to help paint.

Even Drey got in on the painting action.

Brennan, Cody and Ty donned in their paint shirts. What fun!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Goodbye Summer, Hello Fall!

Well I guess with the kids all back in school you can say that summer is over. I am excited for fall. This is my favorite time of year. I love fall! I love when the mornings and nights get a little cool (not cold!) and it is time to break out the sweaters. I love the way things start to feel cozy and you feel like baking bread and putting on a pot of soup. I really get nostalgic at this time of year. I get little butterflies in my stomach just thinking about it. It always takes me back to my childhood. Also I loved autumn in Spokane. It was beautiful, so many trees changing colors. In the parks leaves, chesnuts and acorns all over the ground. It was great!

So I decided to say goodbye to summer with a slide show of all our fun times this sum! It seems like it was such a short summer, I sure enjoyed having the kids home, they are great!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Our last rodeo this year.

Well this was our last rodeo this year. It has been so fun to watch Bailey and Cody. They both enjoy it, Cody especially. He is such a natural (like his Dad) on the horse, he totally blows me out of the water. This is what he loves to do. Bailey has improved so much this last year, I am so proud of her! Brandon's parents made it over for this rodeo, it is so nice to have them come and support the kids (and I love the extra help with the little ones!), they are great grandparents. In that same day they attended a livestock show for 3 other grandkids, drove 1 1/2 hours to come to our rodeo and then turned around and drove another 1 1/2 hours to go watch another rodeo, they are troopers! Not to leave my parents out they also have came and supported our kids at other rodeos :)!

Bailey and her friend Tauna

Cody riding Gypsie doing the flags. In this event you run to one barrel and pull a flag out and run to a second barrel and place the flag in it.

Dreyden, the number one spectator! He also loves to ride and next year he'll be doing the rodeos too!

Bailey riding her Dad's horse Tucker.

Cody and his buddy Kadin showin' off their buckles.

Friday, September 5, 2008

You Are a Chocolate Cake

Fun, comforting, and friendly.

You are a true classic, and while you're not super cutting edge, you're high quality.

People love your company - and have even been known to get addicted to you.


Thanks for the tag Steff!
3 Joys:
1. My children
2. The Gospel
3. Visiting Family(Brandon's & Mine)

3 Fears:
1. SPIDERS! (and anything creepy crawly)
2. Brandon will stop loving me
3. Not being a good mom

3 Obsessions/Collections:
1. I like to collect and make my own preschool activities such as, flannel board stories, ABC activities, activity books, kid recipes, etc.
2. I love to collect recipes and cook books. I have tons.
3. My obsessions change, right now it is the computer, in the winter it will be American Idol!

3 Surprising Facts:
1. I have only jumped off a diving board one time and it was three years ago. I did it for my then 4 year old Cody. I do not plan on doing it ever again. I have issues with deep water!
2. If I could have any talent I would: Play the guitar and sing professionally.
3. I decorate cakes for the little grocery store here in town.

3 People I Tag:
Jessica N.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Labor Day Hike At Cedar Breaks

We went on a little hike at Cedar Breaks while we were camping. Brandon and I hearded all six kids on down the trail! The kids did great, they enjoyed the hike, there was only one "Are we there yet?" (and it was me, come on I was packing Sage!) It was so beautiful, it was a foggy day which seemed to bring out all the colors. I know I am a little warped but I love the fog!

Labor Day Camp Trip

We finally got to go camping as a family! Each summer we usually get as many camping trips in as we can and this summer the grand total was a big fat "O". Brandon has been a few times with the scouts and hunting trips, Cody was able to go along on one of those. So Labor Day weekend we headed up Cedar Mountain. It was nice and cool. My nieces Kylie and Kenadee also came along, they are great girls. Also the Stapley family came for a couple of nights. The kids had so much fun. We had a fun time, even survived the rain!

Preschool Time

Dreyden and Sage had their first day of preschool. I like to start them young! Not really I am helping teach preschool three days a week this year and these two cuties get to come with me. Linsey is the teacher and she is awesome, a terrific teacher.