Monday, May 2, 2011

It's An Easter Thing!

So looking back at my blog, the last postings were about Easter time 2 years ago. So I thought I would tell about Easter last year and this year too (they are actually pretty similar). Last year we drove out in the middle of the Arizona desert, it felt like we were in the middle of no where but it was amazing. The kids had so much fun in the sand and going on lots of great hikes. I think they would have stayed out there for weeks! This year we drove down to Nevada. We didn't have the great sand instead we were in the middle of fox tails everywhere. (we are still finding them in our socks and shoes!) But again we got to go on some really fun hikes. It was another fun Easter.

So when I was growing up we always went down on the desert and hiked and had a picnic on the Saturday before Easter and we called it "Eastering". When I got older and moved away, I realized that maybe this is just a small Southern Utah term because no one else referred to it as that, or maybe it was just my family. Did anyone else call it "Eastering"? Gotta love So. Utah Lingo!

These are some pics from last Easter 2010...

Quite a group of kids! 
No I didn't eat too many Easter treats, I am like 5 months pregnant is this picture! (I did eat alot of treats though!)
This place was so amazing and fun to hike around.
Gotta love friends and cousins!
This little water spot was totally disgusting but that didn't stop the kids from floating stick boats!

Now for some pics from this Easter 2011, why not cram it all into one post, right!

Drey and Cooper finding some shade.
The Indian writings were all over and totally facinating.  I would love to learn what this stuff means.
These kids went out to see the huge Sink Hole, but they called it the "Stink Hole"
I love Cody and Sage's faces in this picture.
Hiking with the snuggly, that thing has gone on alot of hikes between Drey, Sage and now Dylan.  I love it.

                                  Do we bathe while we are out camping?  Of course!
These boys were pretty excited to find this "Cowboy Jacuzzi".  They asked if they could get in and I said absolutely not do you know what a parasite is?  Then Brandon walks up and they ask him and his reply was heck ya!
The girls were a little more cautious.  They were a little nervous about the polywogs, but now they know that they don't eat little girls toes.
This was Dylan's own jacuzzi back at the trailer.  I think it is so funny that he is bathing in this because a few weeks ago he had his pictures taken and I took this tub as a prop.  He loved this bath and didn't want to get out.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A Late Introduction...

I guess I need to introduce the newest member of the Stubbs' family. Dylan joined our family in July 2010. He has been my best baby. He is such a little sweetheart and the perfect addition to our family. He is absolutely adored by his 4 older siblings. I am not sure where the time goes but he just turned 9 months old.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Well after 2 years (and having to get a new password!)I am finally making a post on our blog!! We finally got a new computer, our last two were so old and frustrating to do anything online with. It would take me FOREVER to do anything so I gave up on blogging. There have definitely been a few changes for us in the last two years, I really have some catching up to do, but for tonight this will have to do because it is midnight!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cody"s Surgery

Cody had to have tympanoplasty surgery on April 9. After his second set of ear tubes had fallen out, one of his eardrums never healed and had a hole in it. To fix this he had to have a tiny skin graff behind his ear to use to fix the hole. I am amazed that a doctor can perform a surgery like that done inside such a tiny spot like an ear! Every thing went well, Cody was pretty dizzy and in pain imediately after the surgery but that didn't last long. The next day you would never know he had surgery. I was very proud of him! Being in the hospital sure made me feel grateful that my kids are all healthy and being in and out of hospitals is not a regular way of life for us. I have great respect for parents that have children with illness and diseases.
Cody just had his IV put in. He was so brave, they didn't even have to use gas on him, he just let them do it with out any trouble (he definitely does not take after his dad when it comes to needles!)

Post surgery, taking quite a snooze, it took him a while to wake up, that medicine is some good stuff!

Later in the day after the pain pills kicked in and the dizziness subsided Cody got to go out to Uncle Richie's and choose a puppy. He has been waiting forever for these pups to be born. I got out voted and I guess we will be having another dog soon!

Long Over Due Post!

Is it too late to post about EASTER!? We went camping out at the Sands with Kyle, Lori and their family. Grandpa and Grandma Stubbs' came too. We had a great time. We did have to dodge a little bit of rain off and on but it was still fun and the kids had a blast!

Found a good spot to have a chilly picnic!

Nothing like a good SANDwich!

We did several hikes Saturday afternoon and these kids were all troopers! We were looking for dinosaur tracks on this hike, it took a while and a little rain but we found them.

Becky, Kyle, Brandon and Larry waiting out the rain in Kyle's trailer.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Las Vegas Bday

Brandon had a seminar in Las Vegas that happened to be the weekend of my birthday, so my mom and dad came and stayed with our kids and we headed to Vegas. Brandon suprised me with tickets to see a show (thanks Anthony and Krista) on Friday night. We saw the show LOVE, music of the Beetles, CirqueduSoleil (I have no idea how to spell that). It was AMAZING! What incredible performers and athletes! I loved it and Brandon really enjoyed it too. We stayed out in Henderson and the next day Brandon headed to class and I lounged in the motel room and read and then I went shopping for a few hours, alone! It was so relaxing and fun for me. While I was doing this, my Mom and Dad were back home taking care of my 4 kids plus my niece and nephew, having picnics in the park, doing science projects, dragging kids to church, cooking, cleaning, and hopefully recieving lots of hugs and kisses! I appreciate you so much Mom!

Cody lighting my birthday cake that my Mom and kids made for me while I was gone.

Bailey at the 4th grade science fair. Bailey, with the help of Kelli Dawn and Grandma Judy, did this project while I was gone. I did make it to the science fair. Way to go Bailey!

Brandon and I out side the LOVE show.

Go Beetles!