Utah Kidd Kidds

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Almost Done!!!

Well we are almost done with our house.  Almost all of the repairs have been made and we are going to start painting this week.  After that we will get our base boards down carpet in and kitchen floor done.  Then after that or during that we will be getting our cupboards stained.  There is still a lot to do and we are just getting so anxious to get into our home.  It is going to look so different from when we first bought the place.  You will see when we get the final pics up.  Thanks again to all those who are helping us work on this house.  Whether you watch Caleb while we work or actually get your hands dirty you are very much appreciated.

As for Caleb he is going through another set of teeth coming in.  This time they are molars!  So this will make six and seven.  He is still happy and cute as ever.  He has been so good for us during these past few weeks.  He is such a trooper.

Carolyn is still on break from school and enjoying the free time to go and spend it on the house.  Without her we would be farther back in this process than where we are now.  Too bad she will be starting up school again next Monday the 29th.

I will be starting school on the 24th.  I will be taking one class, a math class.  Boy am I going to be busy.  I hope that I will be able to pull this off.  Just stay calm and concentrate.  Do your best and that is all that you can ask for.

Well it is late and I got work tomorrow.  Got to go so have a great day, night or afternoon, whichever for when you read this. 


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