
Showing posts with the label Love Thursday


I wanted to do this for Steven's birthday like I did for Kaelsy but I was so busy getting things ready for Kiley b-day party that I didn't get to. I finally got a around to it. I chose Ice Ice baby because I always think of it when I think of Steven. We rode up to the reunion together and he was playing his Cd's on the car radio and this was one of them. It also was the very last song he played me. He got a new cell phone that weekend and downloaded some ringtones and was showing me them on his phone and then he was gone so the song is very special to me. I'm crying now just thinking about it and him. So this is my love Thursday. I love you Stevo!

My Honey

I actually did this a while ago for Love Thursday and it wouldn't let me post it but it works now so ya.


Happy birthday big brother! I'm thinking of you and all the good memories we had. I Love and miss you!

My Baby Girl is 5!!

I can't believe my little Kiley is getting so old!! She is such a joy to have and I just love her to pieces! She is getting so smart, she'll start kindergarten this year and I can't believe it! I don't know if I'll be ready to have just two rowdy boys around. I am throwing her a princess party this Sat. and she is having some cousins and girls from school/church come. They are going to come dressed as princess' She'll have lots of fun! Happy Birthday Kiley May! I love You!


I had something for love Thursday I was going to do another slide from 'rock you' but it won't let me. The first time I did one it let me get around the errors it has but this time it took me to a whole separate page. Let me know if any of you have this problem too. I will continue to try and figure it out.

Gaige Michael Cluff

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Kaelsy Landon Cluff

Well my cousin was saying that Thursday's are love Thursday's so people with blogs write about something or someone they love etc... I thought it was a great idea because it makes you think about the things you love. So here goes.... L ovable A dorable N oble little Prince D arling O bservant N ibbler Ok some of those are silly but it was hard trying to think of things for a little baby with select letters to use. Anyway, Landon is my first 'Love Thursday' post. I love that little booger to death! He brings so much joy and laughter into our home. He just realized he has feet and grabs at them any chance he gets. He is so much fun! I love you Landie!