
Showing posts from December, 2009


We had a wonderful Christmas! We Had Christmas Eve and morning at out house. It was nice to enjoy some time with our little family. We got our traditional Christmas Eve P.J.’s Now don’t ne jealous of mine! I mean it!!! I can’t wait to wear them to my primary activity tomorrow. It is a ‘meet the teacher breakfast’ and of course isn’t complete without P’J.”S OK back to Christmas. Carsten opened his stocking and of course spotted the candy cane and knew exactly how to break it and get to the good stuff sweet little stinker!! We got the kids a little used Go-Kart and 2 used power wheels. I painted the 4-wheeler power wheel for Landon so he wouldn't have to ride a pink/purple power wheel. it turned out pretty good except it doesn’t look so nice any more :) * Cat decided she needed to be a stinker and hang out in the tree while we unwrapped presents. I got Brendan a little r/c plane to fly around out back and as you can see he was pretty surprised/excited. Always fun when you can surpris...

Naughty or Nice?

Watch my Santa Video Santa Video He sent one to the kids too. Anyway they absolutely loved it!!! I recorded them watching their video. I will have to post them some time. Watch my video so you can get your own.

Glamour Band

So I have been in LOVE with these glamour band by Whippy Cake ever since I have seen them. And Leelou Swag is giving one away and I really hope I win :) Check out by clicking on the Leelou Swag button on my side bar your won't be disappointed!

Taylor Lautner Monologue

Another funny SNL skit. 'Jacob' rocks! I knew he was good at this stuff, remember watching him when he was little in 'The adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl'

Carsten’s B-day celebration

Carsten had a fun birthday he LOVED his cake and his new toys!  

My baby is One!

12 months ago I had this sweet little boy. He is such a joy to have in our family and our family wouldn’t be complete without him! Happy Birthday Carstie Poo, We love you!
I had the kids write a letter to Santa Claus and here are the results: Dear Santa, I want my own Santa Claus, I want my own present. I want my own toys, I want my own Christmas. I want my own car and petshop. I want my own Jesus. Love, Landon T r a n s l a t e d : I asked him several Questions and this is his reply. For example:  When I asked what he wanted Santa Claus to send him he said I want my own Santa Claus etc…. The Jesus one I said what do you want to give Jesus? And you can see what he said :) Too cute. Had to write down how Mr. Landon is at this age. :) der santu clos, Mom has bin men becus she is rottin I hope yoo hav a grat tim  I  wont a wepcin snoman Luv Gaige T r a n s l a t e d : Dear Santa Claus, Mom has been mean because she is rotten. I hope you have a great time. I want a webkinz Snowman. Love, Gaige   (As you can see I am on the Naughty list.) Dear Santa Claus, I want a Webkinz, ( I already have a duck and a pony...