
Showing posts from December, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! Here is a card that I put together and was going to print out and send to everyone but what can I say I am just not very good when it comes down to doing stuff like that so I hope you still can enjoy it and I'll try to do better next year! I am sure you are already tired of seeing our beautiful faces but hey what can I say :) Hope everyone has a wonderful day as we celebrate Christmas for He is the reason for the season! Love, Katie

Had to Post!

This is so beautiful I just had to post it. It is perfect for this season. Hope you enjoy!

Bubbles and Trains

This is Landon's first bubble bath. He wasn't quite sure about them. Last year Brendan got a nice train set from his parents for Christmas last year, that we put together for fun a couple night ago. This kids had a lot of fun helping him put it together. It is a favorite memory that Brendan has from when he was a kid with his dad and hopefully it will bring good memories for our kids in the years to come. Getting ready to put it together Brendan explaining how things work Landon had a lot of fun just playing in the Train box and later when it was put together chasing the Train around in circles, it was quite comical
We had a Rogers Christmas party on Saturday and had the best Santa Clause ever! He was so nice and gave the kids stuffed animals. Anyway, can't for Christmas to come so the kids will chill out! I have a sign that says ' Santa please hurry the kids are driving me nuts!!!' So true!

Craft Day

This is what I did today and had a lot of fun doing them. The trees I have had the wood cut out for them for a couple years from an enrichment activity and never got around to painting them. Anyway, I was at the scrapbook store and saw their cute Christmas paper and the thought popped into my head to make them like this instead of boring old paint. Anyway, I am very pleased with the out come This 'C' Block is NOT for Christmas it happens to be the colors I use in my Kitchen!!! Brendan keeps teasing 'C for Christmas cute!' I had so much fun doing them that now I need more fun things to do! Any fun cute ideas? p.s. since everine else seems to be posting pics of their trees and decorations I thought hey might as well do mine too. My tree is blocked off from Landon and also has no decorations from a 1/4 down. Here's how my boutique buy looks up on the wall. I am loving it!!
A few people asked who took my pics. A lady in my ward Sherri Riffey took them and I love them! She took the pics in June that I did for Fathers day too

Silly Girl

I love this picture because it really shows the silly side of Kiley. Also there is a funny story behind this pic. Kiley gets this wide eyes sometimes when it comes to pictures and I call them her physco eyes. So when it came down to her time to get individuals she kept getting physco eyes and I would say 'physco eyes Kiley, laugh then smile for the pic' Anyway, she lost it a little if you can't tell down below. Here is an example of her 'phsyco eyes' Here is the end result, My beautiful little Kiley.

My handsome little man


My beautiful blue eyed boy

Here is a pic that we had taken last week. I had fun photo shopping it. Anyway, I will post a new pic everyday of the week from our session.