
Showing posts from 2006

Our Christmas

We had a fun Christmas this year. Landon was at a fun age because when you would set the present in front of him he would get so excited. When Gaige was a baby for Christmas it was pretty boring he was 2 mo. and just sat there so it was fun with Landon. The kids had a great time. After we put them to bed Christmas eve they just laid there and talked about Santa until Kiley was like be quiet so I can go to sleep. I ended up seperating them and they were both aslepp within 10 mins. Anyway not much more. Kiley writing to Santa the kids with Brooklyn with Santa's cookies and milk. Spoiled me and my sewing machine :) Brendan and the kids I couldn't pass up the Kodak moment of all the kids playing on the floor with dad. Then Gaige taking a ride with Grandpa helping him build his Garage

Merry Christmas!!

This is a picture I took of Landon with his hair combed down it makes him look like a totally different baby huh? And this other one was taken at our ward Christmas party that I thought was really cute. Landon's hair in that pic is crazy it is doing whatever the heck it wants too :) Lately it has been laying down is some places and sticking straight up in others. Well we are going to Eagar for Christmas. Josh and Meagan will be up there. James and Nicole are staying home and having Christmas with their little family. I sure will miss them up there. Someday we will stay home. Whenever we decide to do that after I opened presents I would probably be bored out of my mind so we will probably be going to family's house for quite a few more years. I hope all of you have a great Christmas and if you are traveling drive safe!


Did all of you love to cut out snowflakes when you were a kid? I did! I found this fun site where you can do it with out making the big mess. Here it is Check it out and have some fun here is one I made, the skinney one is Kiley's. Make one, then post it on your blog lets see who can make a really cool one! You have to download your snowflake and save it as a picture then just post it as a pic.

Cluff Newsletter

Click on the newsletter to see original size so you can read it. I sent this to a lot of people and just couldn't get it to work so if you are one of those people here it finally is and it actually worked! And if you weren't one of those people I sent the e-mail to it's not because I don't love ya I just don't have your address :) Well, Thank heaven for this blog! And thanks for checking it out and sorry it was so much trouble. Merry Christmas!

Peek a Boo!

Just having a little fun taking pics of my cute little guy. Right now his eyes are really blue and beautiful! I hope that they stay blue and even nicer if they changed to the pretty blues eyes Kaelsy had.

My Thanksgiving

Well I decided to finally put something about my Thanksgiving. We went to Pima this year and had a really good time. It was nice to relax and enjoy all the pumpkin pie we could! This is a picture of Kiley she said she wanted some pie and no one was around to get her some so she just helped herself. The other picture is of my nephew Cooper, he wore this bucket on his head most of the day it was cute. Anyway, it was a nice holiday.

Little Giggles

I thought I would try and see if I could put up a video like Heather so I guess we'll see if it works.

Yee Haw!!

We went to the park today in Eagar and had some fun. They just put in new playsets which are really nice. It's fun to see the town improve a little. Anyway, later!

My plans

Well, N went to Josh and Meagan's tonight to hang out while Brendan had Young Men's at my house. N finally got to hold Brooklyn! N had a cough that lasted forever so N hadn't held her yet. She is as light as a feather compared to my big boy. It is weird to think K N ley was that little because N 'm so use to having my big boys. Anyway, N 'm heading to Eagar for the weekend tomorrow after K N ley's preschool to hang out with my mom. My dad is going to Albuquerque and Brendan is going to Tucson to go fishing with Vinnie, Brendan's sisters husband. Well, the Cluff's are getting two new additions next summer Brendan's brothers wife Marie is expecting and Karen so that is exciting! That will be four cousins on that side in a year so that is cool maybe someday they'll catch up with my parents.

Blah, Blah, Blah...

Well, I went shopping yesterday because I have nothing better to do then spend Brendan's money :) I bought Gaige some little skater shoes at Tilly's. They are cool because you don't have to tie them but they look like they do, I also got him a quicksilver shirt that was only $10 bucks so I couldn't pass it up. Gaige bought a superman toy at Target with his birthday money. Speaking of Gaige I am having problems with him peeing in his pants and not seeming to care. I can't stand it and don't know what to do. At least it's not poop right? Sorry this is a boring blog but I don't have anything else going on in my life besides my face breaking out from eating all the kids Halloween candy :) Anyhow , have a good day!


We blessed Landon on Sunday. I got his little outfit in March, originally I bought it for somebody who would have a boy this year because I thought I was pregnant with a girl but I guess I was buying it for myself in the long run. I bought it from gap for $6! It was originally $40 so I did good! Anyway the blessing was really neat Kaelsy's presence was very strong and the spirit was also very strong. Landon was the 3rd to be blessed and then sacrament. Throughout the whole sacrament it was quiet which is very abnormal because our ward is full of noisy kids (including mine). It was a really neat experience . Brendan kept calling Landon by Kaelsy which was weird because he never calls him that. I asked him later why he did that and he said after the blessing he thought to himself "Was I calling him Kaesly ?" It was neat because Brendan was just trying to say what the spirit wanted him to say. Any who , that's about it hopefully I made any sense. p.s. Landon's ...


Can you beleive it? It's already November! Time goes buy so quick. Well I don't know if any of you caught the news last night on ABC but they did put the kids pictures on the news! I was sooo excited! I didn't think it would happen, They actually showed Kiley and Gaige's picture twice. It was a lot of fun to see them. There was a picture right before Landon's picture of a baby in a real pumpkin and the newscaster guy says "they don't come any cuter than that", then Landon's picture came up and then he said "ohh well maybe." Anywho, Happy November!!

Our Princess

We decided that would would let our kids decide what they wanted to be for Holloween no matter what they said and Gaige said he wanted to be Cinderella so hopefully someday he won't be too mad at us for letting him go out in public. Now if you all are taking me serious right now then that means I tricked you so now where is my treat!! Ha! hA ! Gaige does like to dress up but we would never let him out of the house like that :) Although I'm sure when he's older he's going to be real happy with me that I took this picture.

Our Little Trick or Treater's!

Kiley and Gaige were Tiger Lily and Peter Pan (or how Gaige says it Peter Man like Bat man , Super man etc...) Landon was a red chili pepper that on the front it says Hot Stuff!! Which of course he is :) We had a trunk or treat on Saturday night and then Kiley had a Holloween party at preschool today where she got to dress up. Tonight we will just stick around our neighborhood. I also sent some pics to Abc 15 so we'll see if they post is on tv tonight which would be really fun to see. So if any of you read this before ten watch Abc 15 to see if they are on there. Anyway we had fun! Happy Holloween everyone!


I'm trying to decide if I want to make my blog more private because I have had a few people think I am crazy posting my childrens pictures because of predators or porn. If I did that then everyone who would view my blog would have to login in before accessing my blog. Do you think I should not worry about it or do it? You guys tell me what you think because you'll be accessing it. Also I was reading one of Bailey's last comments on her blog and it is someone wondering if she wanted to make money I don't know if that was for real or someone she knew.


I got some film developed last week from a long time ago and there were some of Gaige when he was a few months old and he had on the same outfit that I had recently taken of Landon. Anyway, I thought it was cute.

Smiles for Mom

Landon is almost 7 weeks now and loves to coo at us and is close to laughing. He is a very good little baby, he sleeps 5-6 hours at night for me and is the most patient little guy with me when I can't get right to him to feed him, he grunts a little to let me know then goes on waiting if I push him too far then he will definitely let me know. If he had Kiley's temperament he would be screaming at the top of his lungs right when he felt any hunger pain. So I feel very blessed to have a patient one. Must go with the namesake. Kaelsy was a patient guy until you continued to try his patience and then he wouldn't take it anymore and surprise you with something. Which reminds me of when we where kids we were fighting and I locked myself in the bathroom because I was afraid he was going to hit me. Anyway, time went on I heard him (sorry babbling on) go outside so I quickly went around the house and locked all the doors. Well when he found this out he wasn't to happy with me a...


I personalized my template. What do you think?? I always like to be different. I like black and hot pink together I think they are the perfect colors together. Hopefully you can see after viewing my blog. Here's a picture of Kiley that I though went well with the color scheme. p.s. Be sure to scroll all the down my site to see all the fun stuff I did :)

Cutie Pie!

Andy sent me some pictures today. A lot of cute ones of Gaige, so I had to share them with you. They are from our family reunion at Sprucedale. The birthday ones are from Preston's b-day party at the ranch.

Haircut for K-dubb

Landon got his haircut today. He is 6 weeks old now and needed the hair cut when he was born. His sideburns were past his ears and the back was really long and the top was getting pretty high for how I style it. Anyway, my friend Brandi cut it and it looks great. He looks older (which he already looks too old for how old he is) And very clean cut.

Landon and Landen

Me and my cousin Shannon's little boy Landen at my Grandma's b-day party. We decided since they had the same name it would be fun to dress them in the same outfit. Anyway, they are a month apart and should be good buddy's when they get older.

My little girl

Ok so Gaige decided on thursday night that he was going to paint his toenails. I was in my room talkingto Sariah on the phone and Gaige, Kiley and Brendan were all in the living room. When Brendan was like "Katie! You need to come see what your son is doing" I go in there and what did I seen blue toes and blue carpet. (Luckily he's not to bad of a painter there was about six small spots of paint on the carpet) I asked Brendan what he was doing while Gaige was having fun and he said "don't you try to pin this on me." (he was sitting in the recliner during the painting) I was like well ok (HELLO! men are silly I tell ya what!) I asked Kiley what she was doing while Gaige was painting and she just said "Well..." (She just watched him do it!!) I was like Ok whatever. Husbands and kids I tell ya what!! :)

Kiley and Landon

Here are some recent pics of Kiley and Landon.


Gaige got a haircut today. It has been long for over a year now I decided to cut it similar to the way we have been styling Landon's. Gaige loves it! He looks like a little rocker, it will be fun to have a new change. The faux mohawk is the style now. Here's a before and after shot.


I decided to start a blog to keep family and friends updated on me and my family and put pics of my cutie pies! So this should be fun! Hopefully not to boring for all you veiwing this.