I can't believe we have come to the end of the year. Jackson has been working really hard during first grade to have perfect attendance and he did it! He was at school on time, everyday. He got a certificate and a pin.
Josh has also worked very hard this year and he was awarded High Honor Roll and was given a pin and a certificate.
He also remembered last year that 3rd graders were given a medal for passing off their multiplication up to 12. Josh worked and practiced his multiplication so that he could pass it off and earn his ice cream. He did it and was given his medal.
Addi also worked hard this year on her math. We worked together almost everyday after school on her math and once a week we worked on her math olympiad paper and for participating in math olympiad she was awarded a certificate.
At the end of the year after we have saved every scrap of paper we lay it all out on the ground and the kids get to take a picture with it before we sort through it and save our favorites and recycle the rest.
The thing he was most proud of was his Jesse Owen's report. He wanted to make soure we saved every bit of that report that we could.