Friday, July 31, 2015

The rest of July

 Molly LOVES to sing in the car. Her current favorite is Frozen. She doesn't know all the words but she does her best and it's adorable. She does her best singing in the car.
The kids all got hair cuts. We are still working on the house and getting things unpacked.
Emily is still tiny. We love her, she is growing albeit slowly but she has definitely won us over with her crooked smile and happy demeanor.
 Molly likes to get Emily's headbands and put them on herself. She looks, really. . . breathtaking.
For Mike's birthday I told him I would go to a Peruvian restaurant called Puro Peru. It was relatively tasty to me but Mike really liked it. It was fun to go and eat food that was familiar to Mike and his time in Peru.

 When we got back to the house the kids were still up and ready to love on Daddy for his birthday. Mike snuggled the girls before we put them to bed.
 The kids are loving our backyard. Molly went out on the big wheel and tipped backward but she thought that was more fun.
 We took the kids to the drive in. We love going there we saw the minion movie. The kids were all crashed out when it was time to go home.
Addi asked Mike to baptize her. They were both emotional and it was such a special moment to capture on camera.
 Our little peanut is 2 and a half months old now and still around 8 lbs.
Emily came to youth conference with me. We started and finished at the stake center and did an Amazing Race type activity where we drove around the valley. It was long and kind of fun.
The next day we met at the stake center and headed up to a ranch where we spent the night. They had horseback riding, meals including, soccer, horseshoes, swimming archery, and a lot of other activities. The youth had a great time and it was a long drive but we had fun.

 Game night!
At Alex's birthday party they had face painting. Josh wanted to be a tiger and it came out looking great.
 We are watching Addi and Jaiden and are so happy to see them so often.

 Tummy Time!
Picking raspberries at Grandma and Grandpa's.

 For the Rock West company party we went to Tooele and rode the go karts. It was so fun.
 Hanging in the trailer with Grandma Dawn and Grandpa Jim!

 Molly likes to take pictures of herself so it adds a little bit more fun to be in them with her.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Master Bedroom

Little by little our house is coming together. The kids are all moved in so they are comfortable. Today we finished painting and putting our master bedroom together.
 It is definitely hard to do home projects with a baby as young as Emily. She nurses quite frequently so every time I get started or really into a project It's time for me leave and nurse leaving Mike to finish. But Mike is a trooper and we got the painting done.

The bed is put together and the crib we had to loosen to get through the doorway but we got everything up the stairs and put together in the bedroom and now we have a place to sleep that isn't our living room!

Friday, July 3, 2015

Moving day

 We moved into our house today! It's going to take a few more trips to get everything out of my parents but today was really hot. Jim, Dawn, Shawn, and Michael and my dad all came to help us move. It was a hot hot day! Here is the only picture I have of our home with everything out.
 after th bulk of everything had been moved over I joined back up with Molly, Emily, Grandma dawn, and my mom back at the house for some ice water. Molly was loving the ice.

She is adorable and she handled the day awesomely. Dawn and my mom saved the day watching the girls for us so that we could get everything into the house. We will be sleeping in the living room for the first couple of nights so that we can finish our bedroom. We kept the crib together and Emily will be in the living room with us.The other kids will be in their room.
 Tomorrow is the 4th of July so we celebrate!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

New Flooring

Today Mike and his dad put in our new floor. I am so excited to have something other than carpet. It took a good amount of time and they worked really hard. It looks really good. I'm so excited to move in tomorrow.