Monday, December 31, 2012

Weeks 31 and 32

The past two weeks I hve noticed how limited my movements really are getting. I am a slow moving sloth when it comes to getting up and down from a couch or the floor. By the end of the day I am lacking energy to make dinner so Mike has picked up the slack a lot. I am loving the kicks and swirls of this little babe moving. I am so excited to meet her and am hoping she doesn't wait til her due date to come. We are just about ready. I bought fabric to make her some of her own girly blankets. I found a stroller and car seat that I like, FINALLY! I have now gained about 25 pounds. I'm hoping to keep it there. I'm staying active by walking 1-3 times a week for an hour. I noticed that I cannot run on the treadmill anymore. It hurts my ligaments and just tuckers me out. So I'm down to walking but I made it this far. I could only run about a quarter of a mile the other day. I am looking forward to being able to exercise my body fully. Baby is running out of room in there, her little stretches and kicks are now uncomfortable but comforting, if that makes sense. In the coming weeks the comfort level will change. Stay tuned! Happy New Year!!

New Years Eve

New Years Eve started out like any other Monday. I went walking with my good friend Annicka, we were both naughty during Christmas and decided we needed the walk. After walking I headed over to Costco to get pizza for dinner that night then Jackson and I headed back home. We cleaned the house and did laundry I even worked for my dad in the office for a while. After lunch Addi and Jaiden came over, their parents were working so we took them for the afternoon. The kids had fun playing as we got ready for the evenings festivities. We go all out. . . no we don't. 
Amber joined us for dinner and after that my mom and dad came up for a few minutes before their friends came over. My parents have been getting together with Heidi and Rob every new years eve for as long as I can remember. 
After dinner our friends the Farringtons came over and we played some games and had an early celebration at about 9:30. Their kids were ready to go home and head to bed. After they left, Amber took her girls home because she had to work the next day so, we put Jackson down for bed and told Josh he could stay up as long as he was being happy; if he started to be naughty he would have to go to bed. He was excited about that. We went downstairs to play games with everyone else. Josh looked around and started to head upstairs, "I'm going to bed" he said. We were shocked! He went to sleep while we played games and celebrated the new year. It was a fun night. This year we even made it to midnight!

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Jackson turns 2!

Jackson turned 2. I can't believe the time has passed so quickly Jackson is such a sweetheart with a mischievous streak. He gets that look in his eye that lets you know to watch out because he's about to do something he shouldn't. Jackson is our little athlete. He runs everywhere he goes, he likes to kick a ball, and wrestle with Daddy. He love the Polar Express movie and would watch it everyday. Jackson loves all things train. He loved seeing Santa. He likes to snuggle with Joshy at night. He loves being in a toddler bed so he can get up when he's awake in the morning. He sleeps like a champ! Following bedtime routine he gets in bed and doesn't try to come out (If you'd like to know how we accomplished that I'd be glad to tell you). He still naps in the pack n play in our room. Jackson is quick to say sorry and give hugs. He sticks his lips out when he's mad and will tell you no to everything if he's mad. He says a LOT of words and puts words together into sentences like this "pease iuh uh drink?" Which translates as "please can I have a drink?" He is a Grandpa kid. He loves his grandpa's. He thinks he knows when he needs to go potty. (we're not potty training yet). Jackson feeds himself but is a wanderer. He'll get up and give us a hug then go sit back down. Jackson likes to eat all kinds of foods but especially carrots and pickles and hot dogs. He thinks he likes banana's but won't eat them. 

Jackson at Birth, he came 13 hours after admit to the hospital. 8lb. 2 oz. 21 1/2 in. 
 Jackson's 1st birthday.
Jackson's 2nd birthday.
Since we had a party for Jackson with the Bjarnsons a week ago we decided to have our own little party at home. Mike made him another Thomas cake. The boys had fun watching.

 Notice the steam accent coming from Thomas.

 Daddy and Jackson had to have a picture together with his cake.

 When it came time to have cake we invited the grandparents over. Grandma Dawn and Papa Jim have an extra family living in their house for a bit so they brought Abby and Joslynn over.

I can't believe he's already two and we're about to have another one. Jackson doesn't know where baby is or really understand that we're having another baby. He may get a little jealous when she gets here.

Thursday, December 27, 2012


This year we decided we would go to ZooLights at the Hogle Zoo. Since we are zoo members we thought we might get a discount. The only discount they offer members is $1 off. So we took advantage of $3 Thursday and took Grandma Arlene and Grandpa Quinn. It was cold and snowy but we took hot chocolate.

 Josh: Mommy I wanna see the elephants.
There were no elephants, they were inside.
 We couldn't get Jackson to smile. I'm not sure he was happy to be out in the cold in the stroller.
 We liked the lights over the bridge.

 Joshy got tired of walking in the cold so he took a turn in the stroller.

 I liked the lion drinking fountain in lights.

By  the time we were done walking my feet and socks were soaked and cold, should have picked different shoes. Overall we had a good time but all the animals were inside with the exception of a few. So, would I pay for it again, nope.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012


Josh was VERY excited about Christmas this year. He woke up around 6am and came up to our room saying he wanted to snuggle. We asked him if Santa had come. He told us no, not yet. (He had) Then while snuggling with Mike he says "Mommy I'm trying to sleep will you go fix my blankets?" I told him to go down to his bed and I would be right there, thinking he would see that Santa had come and get excited. Nope, he walked right by it all and went back to sleep for another hour and a half.  There are a lot of pictures enjoy!
 New indoor soccer shoes.


 Jackson had a breaking point. He carried around his gift from Santa and didn't want to open anything else.
 Daddy helped

 Santa brought Josh a bike just like he asked for.

 Josh also asked for a "Thingamajigger" from a "Cat in the Hat" show on PBS. There doesn't exist one so Mike made him one complete with a jiggermawizzer, and a shrinkamadoodle. Josh loves it.
 Lots of trains!

After opening presents, cleaning up, and breakfast we headed over to Mike's parents house for a bit before we went to see Grandma LaRille, Mike's great-grandma Lila, and Grandma Bjarnson. When we were done there, we went to my Mom and Dad's house for their gift exchange and dinner. We had a lot of fun. As always we missed my brother Ben and his wife Shanon and their girls but they live in Japan. MERRY CHRISTMAS!