Wednesday, April 28, 2010

May I interject?

So I have not yet caught up on our blog from Easter. It's been really busy for us, trust me. I am choosing now to interject and get off my chest that we are once again in that place; you know that place, Finals Week! It is our last one before we graduate and move. We are really excited to start a new chapter of our lives, finally closer to family. We will most definately miss our first home. We have all our married memories tied into this little cinder block home of ours. We will especially miss our ward, and the many friends we have made through school, work and other fun places. We have made friends who will be lifelong friends. So as we study, finish projects, and study, aaannnnnd study, pray for us to make it to the end and do it gracefully. Thanks!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Easter with the Condies

after ladies night at Deseret Book, we went back to my parents house to spend the night and have a big sleep over. It was a lot of fun to stay up late talking with Michael and Amber.
The next morning we all had a delicious breakfast made by Grandma, and Aunt Amber. It was a breakfast quiche. Yummy! After breakfast we had our easter egg hunt. Because it snowed the day before, we had our easter egg hung in Grandma and Grandpa's garage. Josh hit the jackpot in the hallway out to the garage.
Josh was excited to find eggs and all to happy to put them in his bag. This one was on the tailgate of grandpa's truck.
This one was up high with grandpa's tools.
Behind a shovel?
Addi was less than ecstatic to have her picture taken at the end of the easter egg hunt.
Grandpa I'm tired, can I stay here with you?
Amber and Miss Jaiden

We had a lot of fun. And want to thank my mom and dad for hosting easter each year. We love you!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Ladies Night

Every spring conference the ladies of my family get together, and our children, of course, and go to Deseret Book for their semi-annual ladies night. They hold it from 6-8pm (during priesthood session) We always go and hang out for a while then we traditionally go to applebees for dinner. This year was no different. We also invited Juliana and Kenzie to come with us this year.
Joshy enjoying his Mac 'n Cheese
I love the face that Jaiden is making in this picture, I had to post it. Miss Jaiden was also our newest attendee this year. Our family just keeps growing.

Like father, like son

We were making dinner one night and after Mike had shredded the cheese he left the remaining block on the table. Josh snuck in and took it from the table and started eating bites from the block. Mike was also caught doing this as a child, eating straight from the block of cheese. I'm pretty sure that if we let him, Josh would eat cheese all day long.

Teething, again

Josh has been teething his molars. I'm assuming, because he more that usually ornery, that they hurt more than the others. Sad but this picture was so cute we had to post it. You can actually see on the right side of his gums one part of his molar had broken through already, this was just the beginning.

zoom zoom

Mike made Josh this car out of a diaper box. Josh didn't really know how to treat it nicely so it's now been destroyed. The lights were made of foam paper, the wheels are cardboard covered in electricians tape, the windows are tin foil, the steering wheel is a #10 can lid. It also has a sippy cup holder.

A day at the Zoo

During spring break we went down to Salt Lake to go to Hogle Zoo. I Love the zoo. So with our good friends the Petersons, we drove down to Salt Lake together. The boys loved it because they got to sit by eachother but eventually they fell asleep.

Is Josh as big as an infant gorilla, the answer is yes! HE is so cute.

It's a family of gorillas. Do we measure up? I'm not so sure, Mike and I are a little bit taller than the adult gorillas.

The gorilla was out having lunch, we felt like we were so close to them. The boys loved just looking at him eat.

Here is our omage to the giraffes. They were still inside because is was pretty chilly outside. We got a good look at the baby giraffe, and a few days later it died from "failure to thrive" which the zoo officials said happens a lot to first time moters because they just don't have the maternal instince to attend to their young. Sad.

Josh and Tyson sitting on a bench in the giraffe house. We're just getting them hyped up to go to the San Diego zoo in May.

Fathers and sons

Last August little baby Zuri was born. When we went to the zoo for our anneversary in 2008 the mom was pregnant and when we went back in 2009 she was still pregnant. I sure felt bad for her, 22 months is an elephants gestational period, whoa baby that's a long time.

Mikes sister Jenny and her son Alex were at the zoo that day too and we met up with them. Jenny and Shawn have been working on their house and Jenny needed a break so they went to the zoo. It was fun to see them.

Alex and uncle Mikey

St. Patricks Day

This year for St. Patrick's Day I decided to do something fun for dinner. We had pot roast (since I can't make corned beef) and we had green mashed potatoes (I don't like cabbage) with steamed veggies and green milk. It was a lot of fun. Josh didn't quite know what to make of the green milk but he ate some of it. It was a lot of fun to do something with our food to celebrate.

My buddy and Me

Josh and Tyson have been friends since birth basically. Now they are getting so big and love to play outside. We have had the pleasure of watching Tyson twice a week for the school year. It has been really nice for Josh to have someone to play with, not to mention the girltime that Kylee and I get to have when she brings him over. We are so grateful for the opportunity to serve our friends.

Josh didn't climb up here by himself, his daddy put him up there but he held on tight.