Born December 30, 2010 09:00am
8lb. 2 oz. 21 1/2 in.

December 29th was a stormy day. I was supposed to call the hospital if I hadn't heard from them by 6:00pm. I called and because of the storm they told me to come in at about 7:30. We decided to go to the grocery store first so that we'd have something in our fridge when we came home. After the store we went home and ate Subway for dinner, then we headed to the hospital. We got there at 8:00pm, got checked in, admitted and set up to go. My first dose of cytotech was administered at 9:00pm, I was dilated to a 1+ and long meaning the baby was still really high. I started having contractions minutes later and at that point I knew this time was going to be different. Mike and I watched some TV while we were waiting for time to pass. 12:00am I was given a second dose of the cytotech, my contractions were beginning to get more intense. I was dilated to a 1+ but my cervix was ripening so the medicine was doing its job, baby was still high. Mike got some sleep and I tried to do the same. 03:00am I got a third dose and my contractions were pretty definite at this point and becoming painful, I was dilated to a 1+ but baby was moving on down. My inductions are a big fat waiting game. At about 06:45, the nurse checked me again and I was still just a 1+ but baby was still moving down. Because my dilation wasn't changing I asked for and was given an epidural. Don't get me wrong I wanted to do this labor naturally and that was the plan but I guess I'm a wimp and with the labor lasting so long I had no idea how much longer my labor would be. At 7:22am my doctor came in to see how I was doing, the baby was engaging and I was dilated to a 3 and he broke my water. He told us the fluid was clear meaning the baby had not pooped in the womb. I was a little excited and he said we could have a baby by about noon. We were really excited because Josh took the whole day and most of the evening. The photo of me holding up my fingers was 12 hours after I was admitted. We called our families and let them know about when they should come. At about 08:40 I suddenly was feeling great pressure in my bottom and asked for the nurse to come check me. I was completely dilated and she hurriedly got the room ready and called the doctor down from his office. Because I was feeling so much they also asked the anesthesiologist to come in and give me a stronger dose of the epidural. I was told by Dr. Matthews (anesthesiologist) that I would feel the pressure for 4 or 5 more contractions. Dr. Kaelberer came in and checked me definitely complete and ready to push on the next contraction. 4 painful contractions after the booster dose of the epidural I was ready to push without the pain. The epidural was working and I pushed through 4 or 5 contractions and Jackson Lewis was born. His cord was cut by Mike and he was placed on my chest. We were both overjoyed and of course crying. None of our family had time to get to the hospital because everything happened so fast. We love little Jack as Joshy calls him and are happy to have him in our family.