Thursday, November 20, 2008

Only 50%!!

So, week 37 is well underway, and lets just say it’s not comfortable! This little boy is a kicker. That, or he just likes using my ribs as a leg press, all the same I don’t like it. Don’t get me wrong I love being pregnant and feeling him move, and I’m greatful to have a baby growing, BUT I’m also done being uncomfortable.
Today we went to the doctor, and he checked me out. I’m 50% effaced. That being said, I wished for more, and Mike was happy with 50%. All you ladies now thinking how selfish of him, don’t. Final week is the same week as my due date and he’d rather not stress about me being in labor or us already having a baby so that he could do well on his finals. I don’t blame him, I would feel the same way. So there you go. That’s our little update.
Next week is Thanksgiving, and we’re going Christmas Tree hunting, I’m so excited because that means we get to put up our tree, and Christmas is coming!!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Picture Catch-up

SO back in September we went to the USU vs. U of U football game and took some fun pictures. You can see the U of U student section, it’s the mass of red above the mass of blue.

My family owns a timeshare condo up in Midway, and always over conference weekend in the fall we go up there. This year each kid was in charge of a meal. They had to pick a country or state and do a meal based on that place. I put Mike in charge because he could have fun with that (Peru was his choice). Michael and Amber did Mexico, and they made this awesome piƱata and the kids broke it open. We also went shopping in park city. Since we were with Michael and Amber and my parents we took lots of pictures of Addy. featured below. . .

I also hadn’t gotten many blankets for baby Joshua, so as I was walking through wal-mart they had flannel on sale so I bought some cute fabric, and made him some blankets; also featured below

Lyndsie got married on October 25, and this is a picture of Mike with her girls. They love their uncle Mikey

For my birthday Mike took me to Chili’s for dinner, and we enjoyed the ever so awesome, and delectable Molten Chocolate cake. (It’s a must, especially if it’s your birthday)

Then yesterday, Sunday, Mike and I made my birthday cake from scratch but he frosted it. It was delicious. Following the cake pictures are some updated pregnancy photos. 34 1/2 weeks!!