Showing posts with label Moses. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Moses. Show all posts

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Good reads...

I don't think I've ever offered a book recommendation here, but I've been reading a lot of books lately and have come across several really good ones.  In case you're on the look out for something new yourself, I thought I'd share a couple here.

The first book is The Passage by Justin Cronin.  My husband downloaded this book to his kindle and told me how much he thought I would enjoy it, but I was in the middle of another book (see below) at the time.  However, by the time I'd finished my book, he'd mentioned this at least a half dozen times so I thought I'd give it a try.  I'm so glad I did!  It's a long book, but I just couldn't put it down.

This book was named one of the ten best novels of the year by Time magazine in 2010.  Here's a synopsis.

An epic and gripping tale of catastrophe and survival, The Passage is the story of Amy—abandoned by her mother at the age of six, pursued and then imprisoned by the shadowy figures behind a government experiment of apocalyptic proportions. But Special Agent Brad Wolgast, the lawman sent to track her down, is disarmed by the curiously quiet girl—and risks everything to save her. As the experiment goes nightmarishly wrong, Wolgast secures her escape—but he can’t stop society’s collapse. And as Amy walks alone, across miles and decades, into a future dark with violence and despair, she is filled with the mysterious and terrifying knowledge that only she has the power to save the ruined world.

By the way, The Passage is actually part of a trilogy.  The second book is already out (also a real page turner) and the third book will be out in 2014.

The other book I'd recommend is completely different; it's a non-fiction book called To the Golden Shore: the Life of Adoniram Judson by Courtney Anderson. 

It's the story of one of the first Baptist missionaries to Burma.  At times it's a difficult read, just because of how heartbreaking their lives sometimes were, but you can see how real faith is played out in people's lives.  Here's the book description:

On February 12, 1812, Ann and Adoniram Judson sailed from Salem aboard the brig Caravan as two of the first missionaries to go out from North America. Watching the shoreline disappear from view, they could not have foreseen the impact of their journey on the future of the Christian world mission or on the thousands of men and women who would follow in their footsteps. After a short stay in India, they carried the Good News of Jesus Christ to the golden shore of Burma.
Drawing on letters and church records, Courtney Anderson paints a poignant portrait of Judson’s early life in dealing with the conflict between his desire for material success and the inner call to serve God. For Adoniram Judson the golden shore brought bitter hardships, imprisonment, and family tragedy. Yet, he never wavered in his commitment to win people to faith in Christ and to translate the Bible into the Burmese language.

So those are my recommendations.  If you've read any great books lately, I'd love to hear what they were!  I'm always on the lookout for new authors and compelling stories.

Moses is actually a great reading buddy.  She loves curling up next to me while I've got a good book.

Until later...

The man of integrity walks securely, but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.” 
Proverbs 10:9 (NIV)

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Gracie's Quilt...

Several weeks ago, I shared a picture of the quilt my mom made for my nephew (and that I helped quilt.)  This is the slightly smaller purple version she made for my niece.  (I know it looks kind of blue in the picture, but it's ALL purple.)

This one is only about 70" x 87", because she has a smaller bed.  My goal was to have it quilted by Thanksgiving when they came to visit.  Although I'm only now getting around to sharing pictures, I did have it finished in time!

I used a new pantograph on this one.  It was very labor intensive, but I love how it looks on this quilt.  Unfortunately, I don't know the name of it or where I got it from.  (It's been sitting in my drawer for a long time and there's no writing on it so I can't remember the details!)

Once my mom finishes sewing the binding to the back, my niece will have a new quilt for her bed - and in her favorite color!

Moses kept me company while I worked on Gracie's quilt.  (You can see it on the frame in the background.)  She's lying on a stack of quilts still waiting their turn to be quilted.  Every time I'd come down to that end of the quilt, she'd rub up against me, begging to be petted.  It made for some slow going!

Moses - My sewing buddy
Until later...

Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as though you were working for the Lord and not for people. 
Colossians 3:23 (TEV)

Friday, October 5, 2012

H is for Holly Berries...

So I've finished another Christmas embroidery.  These seem to be stitching up so quickly (much faster than hand applique).

Another 'Snowmen A to ZZZZ' Block
I'm really enjoying working on these while watching the new slate of fall TV shows.  Our favorites right now are Last Resort, Revolution and Ben & Kate.  We've also been watching the local and presidential debates, but not a lot of stitching goes on during those!  We're too busy 'discussing' them to concentrate on anything else.

Closeup of 'H' Block
Moses, on the other hand, has no interest in TV or politics.  She turns her attention to more important things, such as finding the best napping spot.  Recently, she's been hanging out in the dirty clothes basket.  She wasn't too pleased to be disturbed from her slumber for pictures though...

Moses napping in the laundry
I hope you have a wonderful weekend wherever you are!  I'm hoping to spend a good bit of mine sewing.

Until later...

So if we have enough food and clothing, let us be content. 
1 Timothy 6:8 (NLT)

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Child's Play...

Whew!  I didn't think I would make it, but with only about an hour to spare, I've finished March's Schnibbles project.  In case you haven't heard, Sherri and Sinta are hosting Another Year of Schnibbles and this month's selection was Bibelot by Carrie Nelson.  I wasn't sure if I'd be able to participate this month, but after seeing so many beautiful quilts made from this pattern, I made time.  I used 2 Charm Packs of ZaZa by Erin Michaels and some white Kona cotton for my version.

Fabrics for my Bibelot quilt
When I make a quilt and pick out the fabrics, I have to know who I'm making it for.  Seeing the bright primary colors in these Charm Packs, I decided this would make a great quilt to donate to Project Linus.  I separated the fabrics into their color groups and then pondered possible layout options.

Fabrics separate by color family.
After fiddling around with various options in EQ7, I landed on this one.  It's still a 7 x 7 layout like in the pattern, but I left off the white sashing that Carrie added to her blocks.  I just really liked the secondary pattern that emerged without it.

Block layout I finally decided on.
I had to do a little math to get the inner and outer border to work out (which I loved doing) because the center of my quilt is a bit smaller than the pattern.  I also decided to add a third border to make the quilt a better size for a child.  I found this deep purple Moda Marbles flannel in my stash that coordinates well with the center.  (I know it looks more blue than purple in the picture, but it really is a deep purple.)

My finished Bibelot quilt.
I've decided to call this quilt Child's Play.  It just seems so appropriate.  It finishes at 48" square and I'm hoping to get it quilted and delivered in short order.  I have another quilt already on the quilting frame, but this one will go on next.

As usual in our household, I had lots of help making this quilt.  Sam took her customary Supervisor role (on the back of the couch), David 'helped' with the piecing and Moses 'assisted' with the block layout.

Moses helping with block placement.
I was really surprised at how quickly this quilt went together.  From beginning to end it was only a couple of days - maybe 8 hours total.  I'm so glad I took the time to make it and hope I can continue to keep up with the monthly challenge.  That being said, I can't wait to see what they pick for April!

Until later...

I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. 
1 Timothy 2:1 (NLT)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Blessed sunshine...

It's been unseasonably warm here in North Carolina this winter.  Today's temperatures were almost 60 degrees and we should hit 70 by Wednesday.  The pets have been taking advantage of the bright spots of sunshine in the house to do some sunbathing (aka napping).

Sam in the sun room.
Jack in the sun room.
David in the living room.
(It's hard to tell, but he's also in a spot of sunshine.)
Gabriel in the bedroom.
Moses is the only one who didn't follow along.  She'd much rather have her privacy than bask in the sun.  She loves napping behind this little pillow.

Moses in the bedroom.
I hope your enjoying some nice weather wherever you are!

Until later...

You will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand.” 
Psalm 16:11 (NLT)

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Moving along...

After a wonderful nap today, I found a few spare cycles to spend in my sewing room.  I managed to finish my Full Houses top, but will have to share it in another post.  As usual, I had lots of company with me in there, but unfortunately, I wasn't paying them much attention.  When I turned around, I saw this...

Moses on a quilt
I keep the door shut when I'm not in there for exactly this reason.  They always seem to think a quilt on the frame makes a perfect hammock.  However, they stretch it out and misalign the leaders.  I think I'd better get busy and quilt this, so I can take it off.  No telling how wonky it might end up being now.

In other household news, we've had a bunch of squirrels come looking for food lately, so we've been putting black sunflower seeds out on the deck for them.  The cats are loving watching them from the sun room...

Jack, Moses and David
They have fun watching the squirrels and I have fun watching them!  It's a win, win.

Until later...

The Lord will work out his plans for my life - for your faithful love, O Lord, endures forever. Don't abandon me, for you made me. 
Psalm 138:8 (NLT)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Almost there...

I've been continuing to plug away on my Winter Wonderland blocks and now have several more to share.  The first is a 6" Cut the Corners block.

6" Block D - Cut the Corners
This was also the last block in this combination.  Unfortunately I ran out of the background fabric for it and had to substitute another, but it's really close to the original.  Here are the 5 blocks in this fabric grouping together...

Fabric Group #5
I also made 3 more blocks using the last fabric selection.  There's a 6", 9" and another 9" Cut the Corners blocks.

Cut the Corners Blocks #3, 18 and 23
Here's all 3 of them together...

Winter Wonderland Blocks
I'm hoping to finish the final 4 blocks in the next few days and start putting the top together.  As things look, I may actually have the top done this year!  Yippee!

While I was sewing today, Moses kept me company.  She found a nice cozy spot on top of a quilt and proceeded to give herself a very long and thorough bath...

Moses taking a bath
I know this can be a very busy and stressful time of the year, but I pray that all of you are finding time to rest and relax.  Personally I find myself much more at peace when I stop and think about why I celebrate Christmas.  But if you're struggling for any reason, be it financial, physical or emotional, please know I'd be glad to pray for you.  Just send me an email.

Until later...

Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again - rejoice! 
Philippians 4:4 (NLT)

Friday, December 9, 2011

More Winter Wonderings...

I'm not spending a lot of time quilting lately, but I did carve out a few hours today to iron some freshly washed fabric (more on that in tomorrow's Stash Report) and to make a few more Winter Wonderland blocks.  This first block finishes at 6" and has 37 pieces.  The HST's are only an inch in size.

6" Block A - Double X
That was the 5th and last block using this fabric combination.  Here are all of them together...

Fabric Combination #4
I'm actually using a total of 6 fabric groupings to make the 34 blocks for this quilt.  (FYI - I know the pattern calls for far fewer blocks, but I've changed it up a bit.)  I need to make 5 blocks out of the 5th fabric combination.  I started with a 9" version of the Double X block.

9" Block #5 - Double X
I am so careful to make sure all my stripes go in the same direction and in this grouping, there are actually 2 prints that I have to watch out for.  Although they're both plaids, they're still directional.

I also made a 9" version of the Cut the Corners block.

9" Block #12 - Cut the Corners
I was able to cut out and sew all of the HST's together on the next block before I ran out of both time and steam.  I'm enjoying working on all of these blocks; however, working with so many homespun fabrics makes me hesitant to use them in another quilt.  They're beautiful, but they're also challenging to sew with because they really love to stretch.  I'm being careful and going slower than usual in an attempt to make them behave.  I know it's going to be worth it in the end though; I love how this quilt is turning out!

Here's a sweet picture of Moses in her favorite napping spot.  In case you can't tell, it's between the pillows on our bed.  With the throw pillow in front, it makes a nice protective hiding spot for her.  Sometimes, she even crawls under the covers there for some additional privacy!

Moses, napping in bed
Until later...

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! 
Isaiah 26:3 (NLT) 

Monday, December 5, 2011

Forward momentum...

I'm having some trouble sleeping tonight and thought this would be a good opportunity to write a post.  I've been having trouble finding the time (and interest) lately, but hopefully that's finally changing.

On Friday, I set aside some time to quilt and made a few more blocks for my Winter Wonderland quilt.  I finished half of the blocks for this quilt back in August, but haven't had a chance to work on it since then.  These first 2 blocks are your basic Pinwheels and finish at 6"...

6" Blocks #6 & 9 - Pinwheel
I planned the cutting of the background fabric to make sure the stripes all go in the same direction.  (For some reason, if they go any which way, it bugs me.)  The background fabric in these blocks is a homespun, which is a bit more challenging to sew with.  It likes to stretch and distort on me, but as long as I'm careful, I can usually make it behave.

I also made another 9" block called Martha Washington's Star.  It's basically another Pinwheel surrounded by Flying Geese.

9" Block #17 - Martha Washington Star
That brings the total number of blocks done to an even 20.  I have another 14 to make using several different fabric combinations.  I already have 2 of them cut out; I just need to find the time to sit down and sew them.  Hopefully soon though!

On a personal note, I was wondering (for those of you who have indoor pets), do you find them napping in your bed all the time?  Especially with the colder weather, mine seem to congregate there for most of the day.  Just curious if this is the norm or if mine are particularly spoiled?  They do love the sunshine that comes in these windows most of the day.

Jack, Sam, Moses and Gabriel napping in bed
Until later...

With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation! 
Isaiah 12:3 (NLT)

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A quick stop...

Hi guys!  For weeks, I've been meaning to tell you all about the quilt I've been working on lately.  In fact, just today I finished piecing the top.  It's 109" square, so it's a big one.  However, I'm just too tired to write about it tonight.  So for now I'm going to share a few pictures of one of my furbabies.  This is Moses...

Moses taking a nap
If you're having a little trouble making her out, she's the lump in the bed.  Her 'thing' is to crawl underneath the covers to sleep during the day.  At night, she likes to stake out a spot on top of me.  Here's a slightly better angle...

Another picture of Moses snoozing
She must think she's invisible under there.  When she's not sleeping (which is most of the time), she enjoys watching the birds and squirrels out the back door.

Moses after some TV time
She kept coming closer while I was snapping pictures until I ended up with this...

Moses - a closeup
She's such an incredibly sweet, highly neurotic cat and I just adore her!

Until later... (hopefully that means soon)

Walk in the way of love, just as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.”  
Ephesians 5:2 (NIV)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A quick note...

Hi guys!  Sorry for my absence lately, but I've been taken over with a project right now.  Nothing sewing related, but it's been consuming most of my time and will probably continue to do so for the next week.

I have managed to finish all the blocks for the 45 and Life to Go quilt.  As soon as I can find time, I'll be back with pictures.  I'm really pleased with how it's coming along.

In the meantime, I thought I'd share a group photo.  My cats have recently become wickedly addicted to a new cat treat called Crispies.  They gather around me like moths to a flame whenever I pull out the bag.

Sam, Jack, Moses and David
I hope you're all doing well and having a blessed and peaceful week!

Until later...

Do not be fooled. Bad companions ruin good character.”  
1 Corinthians 15:33 (TEV)

Saturday, September 17, 2011


I've finished another quilt!  This was probably my oldest UFO to date.  It was a Strip Club project offered by my local quilt store in 2006 (I think).  It's been in a flimsy stage for at least a few years and I've just finally quilted and bound it.

I really like this quilt, so I'm surprised it's taken me so long to finish it.  To be honest, I was intimidated by my quilting frame for the longest time, so I made lots of tops but didn't quilt them.  However, with practice, I feel much more comfortable doing pantographs and am slowly making my way through the stack of UFOs.  (Plenty still to go though!)

Harmony on the frame
After loading it on the frame, I managed to quilt it in just a few days.  I generally make one or two passes at a time and then take a break and work on something else.  Before you know it, another quilt is done...

I tried a new pantograph on this one called Funky Feathers from Urban Elementz.  I'll definitely use it again.

Funky Feathers from Urban Elementz
Because this quilt was made so long ago, I couldn't find any leftover fabric to use to make a label.  Instead, the quilt label is part of The Word for All Occasions Fabric Panel by Block Party Studios.

Harmony Quilt Label
So, here are the stats for this quilt:
  • Size: 68" square
  • Fabrics: Cinnamon Stars by Fig Tree Quilts; not sure about the background
  • Batting: Warm &White
  • Thread: Guterman (piecing), Superior Threads Variegated for quilting
  • Pattern: Star Struck by Cozy Quilts
  • Quilting: Funky Feathers from Urban Elementz (17 passes, 5 bobbins)
  • Started: 2006?
  • Completed: September 16, 2011
  • Recipient: Keeping this one

Whenever I work on a quilt, I usually have one or more helpers.  For this quilt, it was Moses...

Moses on the quilt
She was particularly helpful when I tried to square the quilt and put on the binding...

Until later...

Shout to the LORD, all the earth; break out in praise and sing for joy! 
Psalms 98:4 (NLT)