Monday, February 13, 2012

Two Experiences

Two experiences:

We feel to adjust our plans for the evening. We offer about 5 prayers, talking and making decisions in between. We soon head off to a street which we have tracted more than 10 times, keeping a record as we go. We knock a door, a man comes out and we begin to talk about Christ. He asks what our church does for addictions and we share with him that we have a program that could get him off smoking and alcohol in 7 days. He can't believe it! He's so excited he jumps out and runs to the flat next next door. He lifts up the letter flap and yells through the slot, "Terry!! Janice!! There's 2 girls out here who say they can help us quit smoking in 7 days!!" His neighbors come to the door. We had already approached them about the Gospel, but with no luck. But now, we had their full attention! They expressed their frustration in trying to quit so many times and that they just wanted to be free from it all. "Funny thing," Janice said, "we were just all together in the shop not an hour ago talking about this, and here you are now, at our doors!" It was thrilling! God was working on super-active hydro speed that night in providing an answer to their desires and unuttered prayers.

Our Relief Society president offers to take us around some 7 or 8 little villages near her home...The first village she shows us is Mydroilyn, a quaint village down a windy road and tucked among tree covered hills. We feel good about it, and as soon as she is done showing us all the villages on our little tour, Sis. Med and I head back to Mydroilyn. We knock many doors, and talk with many people, but our last visit is the sweetest experience. A lady answers the door, a young boy stands behind her. We introduce ourselves and share a bit of our message. When we ask her a question she explains, "I don't quite feel up for talking right now. We just had the funeral of my husband." It was incredible the feeling that whooshed over us. We felt a compassion and love for this woman and her family. It's hard to describe, but it was like we were able to somehow feel exactly what she was feeling. As we softly talked with her, she opened up a bit and seemed to feel a lot of peace. She invited us in to show us pictures of her young husband, who died quite suddenly from a heart problem. We talked of the Plan, and offered our testimonies that she will be with him again. The young boy said he'd be returning to school the next day, and was frightened to go. We were able to share a scripture just for him. The Spirit was incredible and we offered a prayer with them in their humble home.

I know in both of these cases, there was a higher power involved. We are just 2 young girls. Our knowledge of our area is not perfect. The vastness of our boundaries can be daunting. The hidden homes and villages are endless. We would never know where to go on our own. I am so grateful for the little experiences that accumulate into something huge and impactful. I am grateful for these small and simple things that happen that strengthen my testimony of the reality of the verse that reads something like "I will go before your face. I will be on your right and on your left, and my angels round about you to bear you up." (you know the one).
May we always be in tune with the promptings of the Spirit so we will always be doing what we should be doing, being where we should be and at the right time, aiding those who are needing help, and reaching out to those who are unnoticed.

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