Monday, February 13, 2012

Two Experiences

Two experiences:

We feel to adjust our plans for the evening. We offer about 5 prayers, talking and making decisions in between. We soon head off to a street which we have tracted more than 10 times, keeping a record as we go. We knock a door, a man comes out and we begin to talk about Christ. He asks what our church does for addictions and we share with him that we have a program that could get him off smoking and alcohol in 7 days. He can't believe it! He's so excited he jumps out and runs to the flat next next door. He lifts up the letter flap and yells through the slot, "Terry!! Janice!! There's 2 girls out here who say they can help us quit smoking in 7 days!!" His neighbors come to the door. We had already approached them about the Gospel, but with no luck. But now, we had their full attention! They expressed their frustration in trying to quit so many times and that they just wanted to be free from it all. "Funny thing," Janice said, "we were just all together in the shop not an hour ago talking about this, and here you are now, at our doors!" It was thrilling! God was working on super-active hydro speed that night in providing an answer to their desires and unuttered prayers.

Our Relief Society president offers to take us around some 7 or 8 little villages near her home...The first village she shows us is Mydroilyn, a quaint village down a windy road and tucked among tree covered hills. We feel good about it, and as soon as she is done showing us all the villages on our little tour, Sis. Med and I head back to Mydroilyn. We knock many doors, and talk with many people, but our last visit is the sweetest experience. A lady answers the door, a young boy stands behind her. We introduce ourselves and share a bit of our message. When we ask her a question she explains, "I don't quite feel up for talking right now. We just had the funeral of my husband." It was incredible the feeling that whooshed over us. We felt a compassion and love for this woman and her family. It's hard to describe, but it was like we were able to somehow feel exactly what she was feeling. As we softly talked with her, she opened up a bit and seemed to feel a lot of peace. She invited us in to show us pictures of her young husband, who died quite suddenly from a heart problem. We talked of the Plan, and offered our testimonies that she will be with him again. The young boy said he'd be returning to school the next day, and was frightened to go. We were able to share a scripture just for him. The Spirit was incredible and we offered a prayer with them in their humble home.

I know in both of these cases, there was a higher power involved. We are just 2 young girls. Our knowledge of our area is not perfect. The vastness of our boundaries can be daunting. The hidden homes and villages are endless. We would never know where to go on our own. I am so grateful for the little experiences that accumulate into something huge and impactful. I am grateful for these small and simple things that happen that strengthen my testimony of the reality of the verse that reads something like "I will go before your face. I will be on your right and on your left, and my angels round about you to bear you up." (you know the one).
May we always be in tune with the promptings of the Spirit so we will always be doing what we should be doing, being where we should be and at the right time, aiding those who are needing help, and reaching out to those who are unnoticed.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Note:  the "mustache" on Sis. Medvescek's face is a smudge from the postal machine.  This was a postcard Leah made.

December 2011:

This Christmas was really great. We moved our mattresses onto the floor in the room with our little Christmas tree on Christmas Eve and enjoyed the night there. I woke up before 6 and treated Sis. Medvescek to her first ever abrupt Christmas morning wake up call with me bouncing on her bed and singing in Welsh. We then opened presents that our members and investigators have given us. I've never been so spoiled in all my life! I really have been so touched with the things people have gotten or made for us. It really is quite sweet. We got ready for Church, did some studying, and then headed out. We then get to the car and are surprised to find that we had yet another gift, in fact a flat tire. Sis. Med has no idea what to do so we get down on our knees in our Sunday best and I teach her how to change the tire. We arrived at Church halfway through the service, a bit wet and dirty, but we had fun! We spent the rest of the day visiting and singing in a rest home, playing at the Bishop's house, and visiting with Debbie and Chrissy. Ah, it was a lovely day.
I want to make sure that you all know that I know that Jesus Christ is real. I know that He was born, that He led a perfect life of love and service, that He has experienced all that we have, that He died for us, and that He lives again. He really is the living Christ. His life is the greatest gift we've been given. He is my rock and my light. Christ himself said, "I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life." This is exactly what I have seen as I have helped people come unto Christ and get to know their Saviour and His plan for them. It is a very real light that comes into people's lives. I am so grateful for this opportunity to serve. I love this work, and I love my Saviour.


No time....we are so stinkin busy!!!! It is crazy good!! We don't even have time to get to the library so we are emailing quick from Debbie's computer after a visit with her.
I am still in Newcastle Emlyn and I am training Sister Medvescek from Slovania!!! Talk about the best of times!! We get on like a house on fire from the second we got together. We are soooooo stoked for the transfer!!!!!!


Sis. Medvescek is fantastic and is so enthusiastic and great. It has been fun to help teach her English and she just wants to know everything. She is always saying "Tell me everytink! Explain dis to me!!" She is a darling and I am SO blessed to have her here with me.  [She is] from Slovania which is ex-Yugoslavia and has been a country for only 20 years.

November 2011:

Chrissy L.A.: one of the most incredible people I have ever met.
Her baptism and confirmation this last weekend was absolutely beautiful. She is the most prepared person I have ever taught on my mission. She loves this Gospel with all her heart.... She is literally feasting upon God's word and it has been the most beautiful thing to see how she has changed. She's still Chrissy, but new and improved. It is so sweet to hear her boys talk about how she is so much happier and a better mum and on and on about her. She has been all smiles this last week. 


A realisation:
I know God works with each of His missionaries individually. We are each a unique tool in His hands. He uses each of our talents, interests, experiences, and even our weaknesses to further His work. An example: We are talking to people on the streets and Sis. Filichia spots a young girl with a beautiful head of curls and swirls, standing under a brolly to keep it dry. She is approached with a compliment and all sorts of talk about hair. The girl is off to a wedding and Sis. Filichia is all about weddings. The talk continues and we share with her a Book of Mormon. Later we pass a man in a jumpsuit, working in his garage on a beautiful yellow Harley Davidson. I step inside and he shows us his bike and tells us how he got it and his love for riding. The talk continues and soon we share with him too that beloved book. A simple, even silly example, but things like this happen countless times. That is why missionaries are moved around so much. He needs a bit of each of us in different areas at different times. I am definitely drawn to the youth, people who look out of the ordinary, remote homes, country villages... Others are drawn to other things. In this way Father is able to reach out to all His children. "...thus we see that the Lord worketh in many ways to the salvation of his people." (Alma 24:27). Isn't it beautiful the way He works it all out??


We were knocking doors in a beautiful little village in the hills called St. Dogmaels. It was raining on us and almost time to head home for the evening. We decided to walk way up the road to knock one more house. A boy answered and was very interested in The Book of Mormon. As we are talking with him, an older man comes behind him and says "Mormoms! I know all about you guys!" And proceeds to be very friendly. When we asked his name he replied _________. He had no idea, but this was a man we have been trying to find for weeks! He was a referral given to us by a former investigator we contacted, but we could not find his house anywhere (this part of Wales is a nightmare for finding addresses). Anyway, we finally found the man. And get this, that wasn't even his house. He just happened to be there. Pretty cool!

Monday, September 12, 2011

August Recap

September 5
(To familiy:) I am delighted to hear that you have once again partaken of the goodness of The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill and Came Down a Mountain, and even more thrilled to tell you that that very mountain was in my last area near Merthyr. Sadly, that nugget was not made know to me until time had escaped me so I missed out on the adventure of seeing it for myself...

(These are photos Leah made into post cards.  The white smudge on them is from being run through the mail machines.)

"Don't ask me...This is a typical street sign (Cardigan area, Wales).  Most people can't even tell us what street they live on because they don't even know how to say it.  It's quite humorous.  The Welsh language is delightful.  I'm picking up bits of it, but it's really quite difficult.  It's a very lyrical language."

Aug 15

Last Thursday we went to the funeral for Miss Philippa Evans in Merthyr Tydfil..It was difficult to leave Merthyr, especially to leave behind 2 grieving wards and the Evans family whom I dearly love.  To see Pres. and Sis. Evans and Philippa's brothers Sam and Jared afterward was so amazing...I talked with Pres. Evans for a bit and he told me, with a smile, "I never thought I could know the Saviour so personally as I have this last week." Here was a father, broken hearted over the loss of his only daughter, but was allowing His Saviour to heal him and his family. I am so grateful that they have turned to Him and not from Him. It brought me so much peace to know that the Saviour has visited them personally during this time of mourning.

 I have felt grief and heartache on this mission like I never have before. But I have also felt such extreme joy and elevation like I never have before. The law of opposition is something I have really come to understand and experience here.
I know our Saviour lives. I know He heals. It is never too late. I think of the story in Mark 5 when the Saviour is rushing through a crowd with a man whose daughter is dying. The Saviour stops and takes time with the woman who touches His clothes and is healed according to her faith. Then another man comes up and tells the father (in effect) "Why are you bothering with Him anymore? Your daughter is dead." I can only imagine the way the father must have felt when he heard those words. Here he was with the source of all healing right next to him, but it's too late. His daughter has died. And then the Saviour speaks to him, "Do not fear, but be believing." And He goes and raises the daughter from her bed. I know the Saviour works the same in our own lives if we allow Him. It is never too late. The moment for healing has never passed. I am so grateful for the healing I have received from Him, physically as well as spiritually...

August 8

Things are going brilliantly here. I'm lovin it! The country is so beautiful and the people are lovely. I've never had so many people think they've met me before, at church and on the street. It's amazing the connection I'm feeling! Can't really explain it.  Sis. Filichia and I are really enjoying ourselves.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Keepin it Real in Wales.

Sounds like you've all had an absolutely wonderful weekend. I still can't believe my little brother is in the MTC at this very moment. It's well exciting!

[I've been transferred...]  But guess what?! I'm still in Wales!!! When I found out I was leaving, I thought to myself 'Am I really ready to leave Wales? Will I be able to adjust back to England?' Well, I'm still here. Just a bit more west, closer to the coast. I am in Newcastle Emlyn (living in Cardigan) and I already love it. It was really hard to leave Merthyr, there are so many amazing people there and I've been there for almost 8 months. But change is good and I'm really excited to be here. My companion is Sis. Filichia and she is from Mesa, Arizona. She is a real sweetheart.

My new address:

Flat 2
26 High Street

More later.  Your Welsh Duck.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Scriptures in Rain Showers

We got to teach A. this week...we all sat out on little chairs in his back garden. Well, of course, it started to rain. A. got a brolly and we all huddled under it, our knees almost touching. It kept our heads dry, but here in Wales the rain falls sideways, even upwards it seems, so we got pretty wet. We sat out there in the rain for about an hour, reading from The Book of Mormon. Ah, it was an incredible experience. We spoke softly and it was so quiet except for the rain. The Spirit was so lovely

Other fun news: Sis. McKelvie passed her driving test! I sat in the back seat the whole time and had to be completely silent. Funny thing: before she started the drive, the man asked her what to check before she leaves. "Tire pressure..." she replies. "Yeah. What should it be?" he asks back. She replies very slowly and hesitantly "One point....six?" He says, "Exactly." She has no idea where that number came from. Pretty great, eh?

I also got pooped on by a dog the other day! In the middle of a lesson! The dog was up on the settee next to me and unbeknown-st to me was sitting on the corner of my cardigan. It was pretty disgusting. The man didn't notice. He was a lovely man though, and hopefully he'll come to church this Sunday. I'll pray he leaves the canines.

Make the week awesome!
Yours truly in Wales

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Some catchup pictures.

A note from Leah's mum:  I've not been very consistent about Leah's blog...I will try to do better...Thanks to those of you who support Leah while she is away and show an interest in what's going on with her.  We all appreciate you!

With Sister Clark in beautiful Abergarenny.  Yellow daffodils everywhere.

Sis. McKelvie arrives...I couldn't get over her luggage...weights, chin-up bar, one suitcase, a satchel, and a hula hoop.  She's pretty great.  The retro pretty lush as well.

We love helping a member in our ward with her allotment.  Here we are with leeks.  
Not sure why, but they're all about leeks in Wales.

Sis. McKelvie and I walked past these young Welsh girls and they were so rude -- yelling all sorts of things at us...Sis. McKelvie yells back, "Are you talking to us?:  They yell more.  "We can't understand you!" I yell back.  Then one of the girls freezes and asks, "Where you from?"  I yell back America and WOW! You should have seen them come runnin'...I love this picture because they were so excited...They all wanted to get a hand on the [Book of Mormon].  We all had a well good time.

Just enjoyin the good word of God in the wondrous back allies of Merthyr Tydfil.

Rwyn Dy Garu Di.

Hey everyone!

Here's one of our miracles from the week: We met a man named ____.  He's in his 50's and is suffering with Parkinsons disease, not the one with the shakes ... I think it's called frozen Parkinsons. He just freezes sometimes and can't move. His eyesight is failing. And now, here's the miracle. He was given The Book of Mormon years ago by missionaries, and when he opened it these last weeks he could read the words on the pages without the aid of his glasses. He said they just jumped out off the pages and he could read them. Alan loves to read and has piles and piles of books in his home, but only one can he read: The Book of Mormon. Now, don't try to tell me that's a coincidence! I know that book to be true. I know it as deeply as I know I exist. If you read from it every day I promise you that you will have an increase of the Spirit and it's direction in your life.
Keep the faith!