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Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joy. Show all posts

I Have been a Busy Beaver!

Missed a couple of days blogging! I have been hard at work! Making birds and ornaments- I love paperclay!!! So much fun!

Steampunk ornament! Going to make a set of  these!

Almost finished with this blue set.

Hanging out with my favorite girls!

Sharkey lounging!!

Back to work! I will keep you all updated on the ornaments.
Until next time- Love, Create and Love some more!!!

Stopping to Smell the Roses

Ok, so we weren't really stopping to smell the roses but we did spend some awesome afternoon time blowing and chasing bubbles!
My Lil' Wren

Some flowers they picked for me!

Chasing bubbles

Until next time, blow bubbles when you can!!

Transformation Central

I was thinking about a blog topic for tonight when I started to go to that "Bad" place. I think we all go there every now and again. That- "I'm not good enough, I'm wasting my time, what the heck am I thinking?" I started to browse through my ideas/artist journal and I found this page.
Don't ask me why it looks so freaking yellow! I remembered writing this when I was having those thoughts at another time. It reminded me that everything gets done in it's own time and even stagnate periods have a purpose and that I should be present every single minute! I wrote this when I decided to call my studio "Transformation Central" (Got this from an awesome song in the Princess and the Frog!)
I want to call my studio this because not only is it a place where I transform paints, papers and the such into beauty, it is also a place where I, myself, transform. Through each thing I make I learn more about myself and transmute negativity into positivity. It brings me joy, makes me happy and makes me a better person for everyone around me. This same joy I hope to carry out into the world with me. I want to be the happiness pebble that sends ripples of joy all around me wherever I go!

Until next time-