Friday, April 2, 2010

Full of Questions

Kenslee is FULL of questions. I feel like I am being tested all day long with so many questions, some are pretty tough. Sometimes I have to give up. After trying to answer a question five different times, and she still doesn't like the answer, I have to resort to...I don't know, ask your dad when he gets home. Her reply when I end with that is, why does Daddy know everything? I would like to see him try to answer all of these questions all day long! Since being pregnant, I am just done by 7 pm. I start out so strong in the morning, my answers are so good and I love having conversation with Kens but as the day goes on my brain is dead. Dinner time has been a killer with "why" questions. The other day I asked her why she has so many why questions? She answered right back and said, because I want to know EVERYTHING! How could I argue with that! I love how she is so interested in everything and so curious. Billy says she gets that from me because I sometimes do the same thing to him. Except there are times I know he knows the answer but he just doesn't want to answer me. ;) I love watching Kens learn, she is growing up so fast.

Kens had a very sad question the other day. I was doing the dishes and she came over to me and patted my bum and asked, why is your bum getting bigger too. I was in shock. Then she went on to ask if it was because the babies head was in my belly and the bum is in my bum, so that is why my bum and belly are both growing. I wish that was the answer!! Oh, it is so sad to have a child who can notice things like that while you are pregnant.

Kenslee did have a nice prayer the other night. While saying it she prayed that my belly would keep getting bigger and that when the baby comes out it won't hurt too much. She is so concerned!


Say said...

Haaaahahaaaaa! That is awesome. I TOTALLY remember your questions. Billy is right...she DOES get that from you!
So funny.

Ann-Marie said...

I'm laughing at how charming your daughter sounds! When I was teaching 1st grade I got asked all sorts of crazy things too. Do you know the gender of your baby yet???

Lynley said...

Oh Jacee, Caroline and Kenslee must be clones! Caroline also asks a million "why" questions! When I asked her why she asks so many questions she said "because that's a good way to learn" (sounds similar to Kenslee's response). Also, the other morning laying in bed she told me I had yellow teeth. What's worse, big bum or yellow teeth?!

Ju and Brack said...

Oh my heavens I LOVE that girl! I love her so much. When you get sick of the questions, have her call me and ask me questions! I'd love to talk to my baby Kens (she'll always be baby Kens). Love you all!

Kristina said...

HAHAHAHAHA. I hear you. Got to love the kids and the love they have that they notice EVERYTHING. My little one use to say, "MOM, man you look big today"..gee thanks :)