Thursday, April 22, 2010

Easter 2010

I cut Cade's hair, he looks like such a big boy. It is sad all of his curls are gone, but I figure they will be back soon enough.
We were so excited for Nana to come and visit! She came for a week and we had so much fun playing and spending some money! :)

We had a Easter Egg hunt with some friends at a park.

Easter Morning

Yummy Candy
Decorating Easter Eggs

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Easter Pictures

I had way too much fun with these pictures. Sorry for the overload, but there were so many fun ones. I just think my kids are so stinken cute! Kens is such a little model, I loved all of the pics of her. Cade was another story, trying to get him to sit still and look at the camera was tough. He is a wild man! I feel like I did end up getting some good ones.

(what is my crazy brother doing now?)

This little man is 18 months! Holy Cow! I seriously can't believe it. It is so fun watching him grow and play with his big sister. He is saying so many words now. He loves all the boy stuff. He could throw and kick balls all day. He has a truck or car in his hands at all times. He is just such a boy and WE LOVE HIM!
We love this girl too!

It was so much fun having my mom here for Easter. She got to stay for a week and we had a blast. We miss her so much! Kens reminds me every day how much she misses Nana, and that she can't get enough of her.
More of Kens at gymnastics.

We spent a day at Fort Worth Zoo. The kids had a great time. Cade loved seeing all of the animals. He would go crazy when there was one that he knew and could say or make the noise. My favorite is when we saw the brown bear and he sat and called it a teddy bear. He also loves to roar and do the elephant noise, he uses his arm as the trunk.

Dallas Aboretum

This was such a gorgeous place. There were tulips and flowers everywhere. I had so much fun taking pictures.

Kens loved the purple and pink tulips.

The kids loved running around on all of the green grass.

Cade has an obsession right now with trying on any shoes he can get his hands on. I found him in Nana's room after his bath.
I love that toosh!