Thursday, March 26, 2009

3 weeks in Stockholm

Reality set in today--it is 10:00 p.m. and Billy is still at work. Billy's beach time is over, he got put on a case and it is back to work. I guess I can't complain too much because we have had such a fun 3 weeks. We didn't know when the end was coming with having Billy home so each day we would try to take advantage and go and see something. Sorry for the load of pictures, but we have been very busy. We are having so much fun out here and as the weather gets nicer I am sure it will only get better!

Kenslee keeps getting her hands on our camera, she usually misses our heads but she is getting much better.Bath time
Walk around Djurgarden island. This walk was very pretty, but it was super cold and it took us much longer than we thought. The last hour was awful, the kids were done and so were we. I am planning on doing it again this summer, it would also be a gorgeous run.

We walked around the city and then stopped and played at Kungstradgarden. During the summer there are fountains and concerts. Kens had fun running up and down all of the steps.

Stockholm church building. Got to love the big boots with my skirt...I change them once I get inside.

They have statues everywhere and the majority of them are naked.
This is in Gamla Stan, the "Old Town", changing of the guard at the palace.

Walking around Gamla Stan, such a fun place.
Trying to get Kens to kiss the Troll. I kept telling her he is nice and very cute, she didn't buy it.

Playing at the park
We went to the "Worlds largest Ikea", it was pretty big.
Stadshuset, the City Hall.
Three Crowns, a symbol of Sweden.

The Blue Hall, where the annual Nobel Prize festivities take place.The Golden Hall, the walls have 19 million fragments of gold leaf.

Kenslee loves taking the tunnelbanna. She has to get out of the stroller every time and find a seat. She doesn't get this privilege when she is stuck with just me.

Kens with the cameraShe is becoming a pro!Me and BelleI absolutely LOVE this picture. I tell you what, this girl is such a goof ball. She is constantly making us laugh with what she says and the faces she can pull. This is a classic, me and Billy could not stop laughing. My dad always tells her, "you have a party going on in that little head of yours", it is the truth, she is one big party. I love my little girl, she is so stinken fun.

Vasamuseet. This is a museum where they have a boat that sunk in the 1600s. They pulled it out of the water and restored it--it is huge!

My birthday dinner, at a yummy cafe. To start off we needed some hot chocolate to warm us up, now Kens thinks every time we go out we need some hot chocolate to get warm.
Kens has to button and unbutton everything. I have to make sure that if I am wearing something with buttons I have a descent shirt underneath. This is her focusing on her shirt.

Birthday picture with my family...I love them so much!
We moved into our new apartment on Sunday. It is so nice, and a great location. We are so close to everything, I am so glad that this is the place that we will be for the rest of the time. The people who live here have a little girl and a baby boy so they were nice enough to leave their crib, high chair and toys. Kenslee has been so entertained with all of her new toys.

Backyard, that's what they call it, I guess it is their backyard.This is kind of weird and a pain, it is their changing table. You have to move it anytime you want to use the shower or tub. We just keep it off, because I am one who will change my baby anywhere.
My handsome boy
Sweet girl
We went out just me and the kids today, we went and did a little shopping downtown. This is what Kenslee decided to wear, her HUGE, stylish sunglasses (thanks to burger king), plus she put her boots on and they were on the wrong feet. Needless to say we were looking pretty good for a day in the city.


Ju and Brack said...

Love the updates! I'm sorry that Billy's work schedule is such a mess. I hope you get some time with him. Keep the pictures coming. We love you guys!

Ann-Marie said...

The pictures were great! I love to hear what you're doing.

cody+sara said...

Sister! Keep the pics coming!
It looks like you're having quite the party!
Um... The closest I can get to relating to you in Sweden is eating SWEDISH FISH... seriously, I'm eating one right now!

Love you!

The Eberhardts said...

i am just cold looking at your pictures! what a fun, fun experience. come to oklahoma! we miss y'all!!!

The Mom said...

Wow, I guess Billy's work took you to Sweden. That is going to be quite the adventure! Also, I noticed that you know Matt and Erin Burton. They are good friends of ours. You must know them through work? Hope all is well.

Shantelle said...

Emerson loves seeing Kenslee in her coat, hat, and boots. She can't figure out why she is wearing all that stuff--I guess she's been in the tropics for too long and has forgotten the cold. The pictures are great! Thanks for the great post!

Lynley said...

I LOVE reading about all your adventures over there! All I can say is I am jealous!

britt said...

wow jc. I so look up to you right now. but what an adventure!! my mom did it with my dad when they up and moved to japan when I was 6 months old and we were there for 9 years! she had to really break out of her shell, and now being a new mom, it would freak me out to go and just move to a foreign country. I dont know how long you plan on staying there, but what a great experience for your kids. I picked up japanese so easy and I've kept most of it my whole life, so great if your kids could pick up sweedish (?) and have a bit of it! good luck and again, how fun!