Friday, October 3, 2008

It is actually more waiting!

We have some VERY exciting news...I am getting induced on Monday. We can't wait to meet our little guy. YAHOO!!

Kenslee can't wait to be a big sister, she has a whole list of things she is going to play and do with baby brother. She is going to be such a helper and the best big sister.


Lynley said...

Oh good luck! I felt a little sad that my one-on-one days with Caroline are over, but I've adjusted as will you. Good luck with everything!

Ju and Brack said...

Yeah! We are so excited! Can't wait to meet him!

The Yosts said...

WE are excited to meet him. Good luck with the delivery!

cody+sara said...

congrats! GOOD LUCK! I can't wait to meet the lil' guy.

Russon said...

How exciting!! You are so cute pregnant, but you're probably ready to be done, right!! Good luck! Did you choose a name?

Jessica Reeves said...

How exciting!! Good luck with everything!!! I can't wait to see pictures!

The Eberhardts said...

whoo hoo! can't wait to meet little one.