Thursday, October 30, 2008


I really tried to get James to let me photograph her mock glare when I was writing up the last post. She is a little camera shy. I even tried getting her goat so she would give it to me, but no go. She finally gave me this. It's not quite right, she is smiling a little with her mouth in this picture. And, I think she picked up the look from me, giving it to Bill, when he is teasing.
Here is a look she got from Bill, he always has a hard time smiling on demand. The smile is just a little too cheesy.
p.s. James is Word Girl and Campbell is a bat. They both LOVE their costumes and wear them almost every day.


Emily said...

Love those cute girls!

Heather said...

Those are awesome costumes! Thanks for indulging me and trying to get a picture of the mocking glare. I just realized that no one in my life teases me and if a stranger ever tries, I usually don't get it because I am so not used to it. I am trying to add more humor to our marriage by saying things like, "Guess what, Bill Clinton called me today!" acting like I think it is special that he called me personally, but I just get explanations about recorded messages and how there are millions of people who got the same phone call. Then when I feign shock, I just get further explanations, so when I finally give up and confess that I am kidding, I finally get a little light-bulb moment smile, but not even a laugh. We have a long way to go. What I am saying is that I am jealous that you guys have such a great sense of humor. We should hang out and maybe it will rub off. Tell me if you hate long blog comments, and I will try to refrain.

Marchant Mayhem said...

LOVE the costumes!

word girl! too perfect for James!! lol

That bat costume is cute too!! did you make them?

We didn't have any pre hallo parties... so of course I'm putting them together today!

I should have snazy pics soon...

MISS YA! I'm going to have to call you one of these days!! which reminds me... I don't know if I have your new number since we moved... email it to me if you get a chance k?? if not... no worries, I'll bug you for it later!!

tooooo cute!!


Laurel said...

Griffin's a bat this year! Your costume is cuter, though. I am coming to terms with the fact that I am not a creative costume mom. I thought I would be, but somehow that didn't translate into real life.

Your girls are super cute!

"What other people think of you is none of your business."

"Big or small there is a difference only you can make."