Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label technology. Show all posts

June 11, 2012

Twitter for PD as a Foreign Language Teacher

Check out my list of Twitter hashtags that a French teacher should be acquainted with, and a few tips for getting in on professional dialogue that takes place on Twitter.  My Twitter name is @madameaiello, if you want to look me up.

Be sure to add any top French teacher-tweeters  I may not yet know about!

June 4, 2012

Fete des Peres Vocabulaire et Activites!

Looking for Father's Day Vocabulary and Activities for your French classes? Stop by Liz's Lessons Blog to check out these NEW Products! For a FREE sneak peak you can download the "Fete des Peres" word search, and acrostic poem templates!

February 17, 2012

French Texts and Tweets FREEBIE! Fun Formative Assessments!

Cell phones and social networking sites are a common way for our students to communicate. Use student interest in texting and twitter in order to get some quick formative assessment feedback through these two templates, and to get your student to practice their French writing skills! In the activities students can either summarize what they learned in class, or tell their teacher about a concept they are confused about. Includes information for using the activity in the classroom, how to modify it as an internet activity, and the Common Core State Standards addressed.

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