Continuing with another picture of something found,here's this page from somebody's day planner. Janet really needs to watch out. I transcribed it below.
May 31, 2016
Daily Quote:
"Be pleasant until ten o'clock in the morning and the rest of the day will take care of itself." Elbert Hubbard
Daily Agenda:
10:15 Wake up
10:20 Breakfast
10:50 Prepare for the day
11:30 Annihilate some motherfuckers
12:30 Lunch
1:00 Take Fluffy to the vet
2:30 Buy bunny treats
3:00 Fuck up Janet's campaign for Junior League Treasurer
5:00 Supper
6:00 Ablution
7:30 ->Free Time
transcribed 6/20/16
A little planner piece for you. (oh, see what I did?) And I think that
there may be a new installment of
Pretty Planner Gotterdamerung coming to a YouTube channel in your local viewing area!