Showing posts with label Pouch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pouch. Show all posts

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Personalised Boxy Pencil Case

A quick update... Personalised boxy pencil case... A great gift for your kids... The size can be customised to your needs so it can be cosmetic pouch or a pouch for your lappie's cable or whatever you wish to use it for...
For the 3Fs
Orders are welcome...

Love & Regards

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Pencil Pouch

I made these pencil pouches for my daughters earlier this year, but only had 'time' to upload it in here.. Tried to combine 2 different materials and these are the outcome..

Combination Felt & Heavy Cotton

Combination Denim & Heavy Cotton

Love & Regards

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Organiser Pouch

Not sure when was my last update, not that I don't have any new projects, but ..... Is it because I'm growing 'bigger' or is it juat a 'MALAS' thingy?...hehheeh

Anyhow, just wanna show you my latest 'invention'.. (Invention la sgt...heheh).. Organiser Pouch requested from a friend of mine. Said she wanted a small organiser where it can hold 2 pens, thumbdrive, keys and few essentials, so I come out with this..
Inside & When Closed

Hope she likes it...fuhh...fuhhh...

Love & Regards

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Boxy Pencil Case & Pencil Pouch

Alhamdulillah, finally managed to do these pencil cases for a small projects... Hope the new owners are hapy to have it...

For The Boys

For The Girls

Hope to do many more, but was afraid unable to do it by due date.. So next time should prepare myself much earlier....

Love & Regards

Friday, December 2, 2011

Telekung Bag & Personalised Pencil Pouch

Alhamdulillah, I managed to finish these two last 2 days.... It's for my kids school transport driver and her youngest daughter who's going to start her pre school next year... She was so happy and she actually order another one for her other daughter....

ReversibleTelekung Bag with Simple Embroidery

Pencil Pouch for Youngest Daughter

Love & Regards

Monday, November 21, 2011

Embroided Small Pouch

Schools holiday's finally here. So first of all, I would like to thanks all the teachers that had taught my precious daughters, Fasha & Filza... So as a token of appreciation, I made a small pouch with some embroidery motifs on it for each of the teahcers... Really hope they love it..

First batch - The One Side

The Embroided Side
2nd Batch

For 3 More Teachers

There si 3rd batch for the pouches but haven't done the editing yet... Will upload here once they're ready...
Anyway, it also open for ordering... DO let me know ir you're interested...TQ

Love & Regards