Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta SEMANA DA LEITURA 2016. Mostrar todas as mensagens
Mostrar mensagens com a etiqueta SEMANA DA LEITURA 2016. Mostrar todas as mensagens

quinta-feira, maio 12, 2016

A destination or a new beginning? Text 1

No âmbito da "Semana da Leitura 2016" decorreu a atividade What’s the best Perfect Ending of this story? Vote for it by commenting it (Must sign your name), com os alunos do 9ºano de inglês e a docente Susana Moreira, da equipa da biblioteca da E.S.S.
Esta é a parte final !!

TEXT 1 - Authors: Ana Valadas and Vitor Camões (9ºA)

A Perfect Ending
Jeremy’s dad was moved by those children in the refugee academy. He wanted to help them because they had had a hard background so he used his connections and fame to bring the attention to the Malaysian Pandawas Academy, involving his son. After Jeremy’s experience at Pandawas Academy, he will never see things in exactly the same light as he did before.
Back to England Jeremy met the Principal of his school and told him about the experience he had had and that he would like to do something to call his school’s attention to this cause. He had many ideas in his mind: held exhibitions, organizing campaigns, run charity sales… The Principal found the idea brilliant. Jeremy decided to ask his dad for help because he wanted to invite Tiara to share her experience at the Pandawas Academy.
During the last semester Jeremy together with his class got involved in many events. Tiara and Rachel could make to visit Jeremy’s school and they were the center of the attention. Again the local press and radio gave a hand. As a result, all community got involved.

By the end of the school year Jeremy and friends were able to send a ship full of school material to Pandawas Academy.

A destination or a new beginning? Text 2

TEXT 2 – Authors: André Oliveira and Tiago Diogo (9ºA)

A Perfect Ending

Well, we went back to London. As soon as we got there Rachel didn’t drop her computer for a second. By the way, she stayed with me in London for a while because she wanted to visit some places.
Two days have passed and she was on the computer many hours per day. I was getting fed up with that and then she explained what she was doing. After seeing what we saw at the Pandawas Academy, she decided to search for solidarity groups so she could help those who are in need.
After a week she was already in Portugal but kept telling me how wonderful it was to help those children in the Academy. She remembered that each kid had an amazing and tragic story to tell.
Anyway, I’m really thinking about joining one of those academies. I wish there would be some here in London.

Oh, I forgot to tell you about my birthday. It was really awesome. I went to Alton Towers and finally got to ride a roller coaster with Rachel, which was amazing because she is one of my best friends. Remember, just friends. Oh well, that’s all for now. We’ll see what the future brings.

A destination or a new beginning? Text 3

TEXT 3 – Authors: Bárbara Carvalhuço and Diogo Mestre (9ºA)

A Perfect Ending

Jeremy and Rachel journey in the boat from Pangkor Laut to visit many other small islands nearby. The beaches there were calm and amazing, a paradise.
In Pangkor Laut they did a massage and rode a jet ski. Jeremy and Rachel got tanned in many sandy beaches and enjoyed the sunset every day. They visited a Buddhist clinic and a solidarity nursery, where they worked as volunteers. They also experienced Ju-Jitsu.

At the airport they visited a jewelry which had handmade items. Finally, they had a long back home journey.

A destination or a new beginning? Text 4

TEXT 4 – Authors: Bruno Rosa and Miguel Picareta (9ºA)

A Perfect Ending

After saying goodbye to Tiara and the many friends in The Pandawas Academy, Jeremy and Rachel went to Palaw Kapos.
Palaw kapos is a beautiful island in Malaysia with lost of luxurious vegetation and wild animals. Its beaches have a limpid blue water and white sand.

When Rachel and Jeremy arrived the island their eyes glinted of how amazed they were. They took time to explore the island together. When they arrived the hotel they had a welcome and farewell banquet as they only stayed in the island for one day.

A destination or a new beginning? text 6

TEXT 6 – Authors: José Afonso and António Almeida (9ºA)

A Perfect Ending

Before leaving the refugee camp they decided to camp in the forest with Tiara and her friends to finish their holidays the best way they could.
One day at the Pandawas Academy they decided to buy tents at the local market to camp with their friends. However, the night had fallen so quickly that they had to prepare things in a hurry so that they could call their friends and join together that same night.
Everything was arranged and they managed to gather round the fire that night. Tiara and her fiends offered Jeremy and Rachel traditional handmade Malaysian gifts.
Rachel and Jeremy loved the gifts and they said that they wouldn’t forget that experience and adventure. Tiara and friends really touched their hearts.

For Jeremy and Rachel, this was the best holiday ever.

A destination or a new beginning? Text 5

TEXT 5 – Authors: Flávio Azedo and Jéssica Carrasco (9ºA)

A Perfect Ending

During the way back home, after half na hour on the private jet of Jeremy’s dad, both friends were a little bit bored. Jeremy fell asleep but something goes wrong…
-Wake up, Jeremy! Said Rachel. The plane went off the track.
-What? I don’t believe it, dad, what’s going on? Asked Jeremy scared.
-Are you all OK? Shouted Jeremy’s dad.
-Yes, but where are we? Jeremy wanted to know.
-Don’t worry. The pilot was able to make a good landing and we are in an island called Sidapon – says dad- We have to stay here until help arrives, nearly a week. Until then, stay together and everything will be OK.
-But…Started Jeremy.
-But, nothing, Jeremy. We have to live here inside the plane. Answered dad.
-Luckily, the plane is alright. Said Rachel.
-And there is still food enough. Jeremy stated.
-Well, we’ll stay here today and tomorrow we’ll see. Dad said.
A week has flown by and the friends had to survive with the remaining food and water. But the worst of all was not having internet.
-Finally the helicopter arrived! Shouted Jeremy.
-We’re safe. Smiled Rachel.
-Boys hurry up! Ordered dad.

Another great experience has passed and after that they’ll never see things in exactly the same light as they did before.

A destination or a new beginning? text 7

TEXT 7 – Authors: Maria Feliciano, Pedro Tomás and Rafael Fernandes (9ºA)

A Perfect Ending

By the end of the Summer holidays, Jeremy and Rachel needed to go back home to start school again.
Besides having a lot of fun in Malaysia, they loved the people, the cuisine and the culture. Everything was perfect there.
They put some thought and decided to finish school in Malaysia and stay near Pandawas Academy to help the refugees.

Jeremy would like to spend more time with his parents. So he decided to spend a longer season with his father doing voluntary work.