Books Read in 2020: Four-Star Sci-Fi and Fantasy
Oy, what a Monday-ish Monday. Slept badly, dragged my ass to work in a mostly-empty school, had zero energy or motivation. Every time I passed the library doors while shelving books I could see the same janitor cleaning the same section of the same wall. It felt like time had stopped. Angus has been looking for a PS5 since November (new video gaming platform that has been annoyingly difficult to find). He finally managed to snag one from Amazon right before Christmas but it looked like it might not arrive until the week after he left for school. In addition, I was weirded out by the fact that he had ordered it from with a Canadian address - every time I've tried to do that it made me go to He was committed to leaving Monday, and on Saturday it said it would be here Tuesday. Then yesterday it said it would get here between 10:30 and 2:30 today. I got home from work at 12:15 and it had just arrived, and there was much rejoicing in the kingdom. Now I just have