Sunday, March 29, 2009

Senior Missions

Today the Relief Society combined with the Priesthood. Brother & Sister Udy spoke about their missions that they served, of which there were several. They expressed the importance of every kind of mission. There are LDS missions that I have never even heard of. Sis Udy said that one of the most important senior missions that we have in the church is the Farm Management Division. We learned that this mission is a non-proselyting mission. Their job is to remodel, repair, reconstruct buildings on church farms. Even though they don't discuss the gospel with nonmembers, they still wear missionary name tags. This enables them to be ambassadors for the church.
The service that senior missionaries provide is immeasurable. It helps so many people in so many ways. The Udy's calculated $130,000 saved by their service in just one year. The area that they served in was able to build a temple from the saved money. It is truly the Lord's work.
Bro & Sis Allen talked to us about their mission, and more in particularly about preparing for a mission. Preparing for a mission could mean a long and daunting task. But as Bro Allen said, "If you have the will and desire to serve, the Lord will provide a way." With the Lord's guidance, everything fell in to place for Bro and Sis Allen. All they had to do was make the decision to go (which is probably the hardest part).
The thought of leaving home, friends, and family for an extended period of time is harsh. However, Sis Udy testified that their family was blessed from serving a couples mission. They received more blessings for leaving than they could have had if they stayed home.
And it has always been my experience that the more you sacrifice, the greater you are blessed.
Missionary work is there for us to do, and it is our responsibility.
For more info about preparing for a senior mission, visit

If you have any thoughts or questions, please leave a comment!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Valiant in the Cause of Christ

Kaatje Wilcox from the Relief Society Stake Presidency gave the lesson today. She was so energetic and spiritual (a great combination). The lesson began with a song (and dance :)) that had everyone singing and/or marching. As we sang about standing for truth and right, I was thinking of the word valiant. It is such a strong word that means so much, and I will never hear that word again without thinking of the Prophet Joseph Smith. He embodies the very word. While innocently incarcerated, Joseph Smith was able to silence the armed and hostile guards while he stood in shackles. So much power from one man!
From the lesson, I learned that it is so important to stand up for our beliefs, even if we need to stand against peers of our own faith. Sounds easy...
There are so many things we need to do to become Christlike. And I emphasize "do" because being Christlike is more than just thinking good things about others. Heavenly Father wants us to be like Jesus in our actions. More things get done that way. Like Sis. Wilcox said, "We need to Show and Tell others that we love them."
What Christlike qualities would you like to have?
If you have any questions or thoughts on the lesson, please leave a comment!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Blessed are the Peacemakers...

Sister Taylor's lesson was, as usual, inspiring and entertaining. I enjoyed the first comments that were made about how anger isn't an emotion, but a result of something else we are feeling (hurt, frustration, etc.). We only get angry when we loose control of our emotions. That's when the spirit leaves.
A question that Rhonda asked was, "How do I improve my peacemaking skills?" Answer: By honoring one another and refusing to find fault in others. We were further enlightened by Dr. Lund (or Lunt?). He said that the natural man is selfish, striving to be better than others. He also said that while striving to become better, we need to build up those around us.
Patsy also encouraged us all to be peacemakers to those of other faiths. There is so much we can do to pave the way!
Remember, if we want peace in our lives, we have to start with ourselves.

Sister Taylor's Challenge:
Straight 24 hours of being a peacemaker.
That includes no sarcasm, uninvited opinions, appraisals, criticism, analysis, evaluations, insights, questions, direction giving, or contrariness. (Good Luck!)

If you have any thoughts, please leave a comment!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Be Prepared!

Sister Hilton gave a wonderful lesson in Relief Society, inspiring us to be prepared. There is no reason to be afraid if we are properly prepared. I loved what she said about preparing to meet the needs of our own family, as well as having a little extra for those around us. That gave me comfort in knowing that no one will be in dire straits, so we won't have to "cling to our guns."
I am so glad that the ladies in our ward know how to do things like; bake bread, can food, garden, etc. You all inspire me to be a better wife and mother.
Do you have a thought that goes along with the lesson? Please leave a comment.
-Sister Richards