Showing posts with label 30before30list. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 30before30list. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Quiet Book

I finished #5 on my 30 before 30 list to sew a quiet book! It was a lot of work, but really fun to make. I searched for pages on Pinterest, chose the ones I liked, and then either followed their tutorials or made it up. I convinced my friend in Baltimore, Julia, to make the book with me. This helped with buying supplies, thinking through the best way to sew, and most importantly, for motivation.

 I complied a few ideas for the cover and I was so pleased with how it turned out. The front flap is velcro and there is a handle so Lily can carry it around.

The ribbon pull. I loved this idea, but sadly it didn't work out as well as I wanted it to. If I had reinforced the holes the grommets would have stayed and if I had used bigger ribbon the ends wouldn't always pull through the grommets. But it looks funs, ha ha.

Abacus counting page. Lily loves sliding the beads up and down the ribbon.

Good old velcro shapes.

This page is a combination of a couple ideas. Flaps and a velcro square that comes apart.
 I'm glad this page is next to the shapes because Lily has fun hiding the shapes behind the flaps and attaching different items to each velcro spot.

I should have gone for the more expensive zippers. Love the color of these, but Lily will need to be a lot older before she can zip them on her own.

A detachable "I Spy" bag. Found this idea somewhere and it is so smart. If I don't want the whole quiet book with me, then I can just pull off the "I Spy" bag and throw it in the diaper bag.

Button flowers with an open pocket in the pot to store the flowers in.

Basic mitten page.

And the final page involved Barrett's designing skills and access to a 3-D printer at school. I really wanted a twisty page and when Barrett told me he could easily design and print one for me months ago, I didn't forget it. He was nice enough to set aside some time before we moved to design these for the book and I'm so happy he did because they work great. They are really easy for Lily to twist on and off.

While crossing this off my list I realized that I also completed another item when I moved to Baltimore, which was to stop working full-time and teach piano. Although piano is not a replacement for work due to our frequent moves, I did stop working and had 2 students while in Baltimore. Hopefully, when we really are "settled" somewhere I will be able to have more regular students. I also had a realization that some items on my list may need to be adjusted because were aren't living in Utah anymore so I may not be around to visit specific places I have listed. We'll see...

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Check! Check!

Since I wrote my 30 before 30 list I haven't updated on the progress. Honestly, there hasn't been much to report,. But I have completed 2 items on my list. It's already been over a year since I made it, so I need to get moving!

In December I finally dyed my hair brown... and I LOVE it! Too bad it's so hard to maintain the color.

 And second, we now have a piano! We didn't buy it, but it was graciously given to us by Barrett's parents who inherited a bigger piano. I love being able to play the piano and I am hoping to start teaching again soon.

Friday, August 24, 2012

30 things to do before I turn 30

Awhile ago my sister posted about 35 things she wanted to do before she turned 35 and I loved the idea! I love setting and accomplishing new things, so for my birthday I created a 30 before 30 list. Each time I cross something off I will take pictures and post about it. Here it is:

30 before 30 list
1.   Go on a backpacking trip
2.   Dye hair brown
3.   Take cooking classes
4.   Complete Spanish Rosetta Stone
5.   Sew a “quiet book”
6.   Buy a piano
7.   Visit 2 places in Utah never been to before
8.   Climb Mount Timpanogos
9.   Find 3 new ways to do hair
10.   Figure out decorating style and implement throughout house
11.   Read President Monson’s biography
12.   Go on a trip outside of the United States (even if just Canada or Mexico)
13.   Do a session in the Bountiful temple
14.   Stop working full-time and start teaching piano
15.   Use every dish and cooking appliance we got for our wedding at least once
16.   Read Your Musical Child by Jessica Baron Turner and The Art of the Piano by David Dubal
17.   Swim laps for exercise
18.   Buy a cute, unique watch
19.   Plant a vegetable garden
20.   Go on a romantic, formal date with Barrett
21.   Make a patchwork quilt
22.   Go on a long bike ride
23.   Organize Itunes
24.   Go rollerblading
25.   Visit the Grand Canyon
26.   Buy a house or have plans to buy a house
27.   Play another piano/organ duet with Barrett
28.   Find a hat that fits my head
29.   Spend a day with no plan or to-do list (not on vacation)
30.   Learn about a topic never studied before