Showing posts with label predicament. Show all posts
Showing posts with label predicament. Show all posts


Predicament, the movie

We went to see the movie Predicament last night. It was written by an Eltham resident and filmed in Eltham. Click here for a few more photos I took of how they converted the town back to the 1930's.

This was the inside of the local theater theatre in Eltham that was transformed into part of the house for the movie.

There's not a lot on the internet about the movie The articles in the local papers were more about the author and excitement about using the town of Eltham as a setting than the movie itself, so I really had no idea about the actual plot until a few days ago when Hubby came  home with some info after asking around. But then, as I have mentioned a few hundred times before, the reporting here sucks.

It was about an only child who is totally embarrassed and left out by his father's tower that he is building in the front yard garden. He befriends a thug who uses him and the thug brings along a friend who is just--well his name is 'Spook'--what does that tell ya?! They get into some really weird trouble with the rich folks, trying to blackmail them and it goes down hill from there.

I was very impressed with the movie and thought it was well done--for a New Zealand (read 'low budget') work. The characters were very believable and well presented. A happy ending is always a good thing for me.

I'm pretty sure that the other four, yes, four, people in the whole theater theatre liked it too, although I prefer places with HEAT! I wore extra clothes and a woolly hat that covered my ears, and I was still cold! But, I'm in New Zealand. Shopkeepers don't understand words like 'warm' and 'comfortable'!!

I have no idea if you will ever get the chance to see Predicament, but if you do, I think you won't hate might like it, as long as you are comfortable when viewing it. I don't think it will win any Academy Awards, but it was a pleasant hour and a half.