Showing posts with label creatures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label creatures. Show all posts

Monday 5 May 2014

If you go down to the woods today...

One of our exercises on the ABSPD Module 1 was to create some character designs.  I've always had trouble drawing animals and people but finally created some girls and woodland creatures that I was fairly happy with as a start.  

I have a habit of throwing everything including the kitchen sink into my designs and this design was even busier until my husband cast his eye over it and said it might be a bit full on.  So this is the pared back version - believe it or not.  The colours have become a bit muted when I've uploaded them this time but you get an idea.  

Which version do you prefer?  Would you like to see anything else added/removed from the design to improve it?  All suggestions welcome.


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