the quest boi the quest boi Author
Title: FIX: "You must log in to this network before you can access the Internet"
Author: the quest boi
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Every now and often when I open my laptop this always comes up and it annoys me all the time. "You must log in to this network before...
Every now and often when I open my laptop this always comes up and it annoys me all the time. "You must log in to this network before you can access the Internet" this happens when I connect to a wireless fidelity (wifi) connection or network to my laptop.

So I am now giving you a simple solution about this problem.

1. Open Firefox Mozilla
2. On the address bar type the following about:config

3. Click Accept the Risk and Continue

4. On the magnifying glass from the right type the following network.captive-portal-service.enabled

5. Below click the Toggle button from true to false.
6. Then close the Firefox Mozilla.

 I hope this will fix your problem.


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