With natural disasters going on in the world, we thought it was about time we put together our 72 hour kits. Getting out the door to go anywhere with four kids is a challenge; we needed to have things packed smart and light to grab and go in case of evacuation. The kids were a big help and now are so excited for an emergency to happen. (Umm, I told them we need to rotate the food every couple years, so let's not wish for a disaster).
I read a few websites and came up with a meal plan and essential items that work for us.
3 days of meals:
breakfast - juice box & 2 granola bars
lunch - juice box, tuna and crackers & raisins
dinner - vienna sausages & applesauce / kippered snacks & pb crackers
9 water bottles, nuts, mints
toothbrush, toothpaste, sunblock, chap stick, body wash, lotion, deodorant, wet wipes, tissue (for tp), emergency blanket, whistle, compass, poncho, antibiotic ointment bandaids, head flashlight, permanent marker (for labeling kids with name and contact info - I know it sounds morbid). Diapers for Fiona. I carry a nylon cord and water purification tablets; Ben carries a tarp. We need to pack a change of clothes and emergency contact info, and then we're set!
If we are able to evacuate by car, I'll prepare a shelf in the garage with our tent, wind up radio, cases of water, and maybe a case of canned soup, camping stove, etc. Still brainstorming here... Suggestions on what works for your family?