Sunday, August 24, 2008

Socks and Splits

I don't how this got started, but the kids put socks on their hands and feet, got in matching paint shirts, and began doing gymnastics in the front room. These videos crack me up and deserved posting.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Circus in Town

We took the kids to see the three-ring circus. They loved it of course. It was fun to get a feel of what the town is like. This small town stuff is really growing on me. I especially love that the fair grounds are just down the street. It was an excellent show... Elephants, bears, horses, poodles, acrobats, tight rope walkers, even motorcycle tricks in a cage.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


The kids have wanted bikes for years. We always told them once we have a garage to store them. It was finally time. (They made sure to remind us when we moved in). We got bikes for the whole family even before unpacking the kitchen. We have our priorities straight. Abby caught on on her second try and Isa caught on soon after. They ride up and down our long driveway and ride laps around the house.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Move-in Day

Here it is, our new home. We enjoy all the green, the surrounding woods, but most of all having room for the kids to run around.

Can you guess which three exerted the most amount of energy?

This was an exciting day, especially for the kids. The movers did a great job and soon our house was full of boxes and our familiar furniture. When it came time for unpacking, the girls were great at carefully unwrapping dishes while Chase had the important job of smashing down packing paper by jumping in the boxes.