Friday, September 9, 2011
True Feminism
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
From the Inside Out
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Dance Recital Photoshoot
The kids and I have been practicing hard and memorizing our routines. It's going to be quite a show!
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Hodges Gardens
The girls were invited to play their violins at Hodges Gardens State Park. It was a day of free admission for the community. Various art vendors exhibited their work while musicians from the Vernon Parish Community Orchestra played in small groups, scattered around the beautiful park.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
72 Hour Kits
I read a few websites and came up with a meal plan and essential items that work for us.
3 days of meals:
breakfast - juice box & 2 granola bars
lunch - juice box, tuna and crackers & raisins
dinner - vienna sausages & applesauce / kippered snacks & pb crackers
9 water bottles, nuts, mints
toothbrush, toothpaste, sunblock, chap stick, body wash, lotion, deodorant, wet wipes, tissue (for tp), emergency blanket, whistle, compass, poncho, antibiotic ointment bandaids, head flashlight, permanent marker (for labeling kids with name and contact info - I know it sounds morbid). Diapers for Fiona. I carry a nylon cord and water purification tablets; Ben carries a tarp. We need to pack a change of clothes and emergency contact info, and then we're set!
If we are able to evacuate by car, I'll prepare a shelf in the garage with our tent, wind up radio, cases of water, and maybe a case of canned soup, camping stove, etc. Still brainstorming here... Suggestions on what works for your family?
Friday, December 25, 2009
The Smith Days of Christmas
Merry Christmas!
Love, The Smith Family
Steph, Fiona, Ben
Chase, Abby, Isa
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween Festivities
Donut on a string was a hit. Especially for Fiona!
They also played fishing for candy and throw the ball in the cup with the prize to win it. A couple crafts kept them busy too. Making lollipop ghosts, and coloring faces on baby pumpkins. When they had their fill of games, they played Wii and then watched "Nightmare Before Christmas."
On Halloween night we went to our church party. Games and activities for the kids, a scrumptious soup and sandwich potluck dinner, and the very popular trunk-or-treating. We went home with way too much candy. They got to eat all they wanted in the car on the way home, and I will be doling it out slowly over the next months for good behavior and help around the house.
Abigail was Professor McGonagall from Hogwarts
Isabelle was Harry Potter's "Ginny"
(she's now reading the seventh Harry Potter book)
Chase is our Spidey
Fiona, our little Minnie Mouse
Steph with her Halloween Hunk!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Independence Day
Fiona and I went to a TEA party (taxed enough already!) at the courthouse. This is the most important thing I could do today to celebrate our independence. We heard excellent speeches about the principles our Founding Fathers stood for, and stirring stories of their sacrifices. I am so grateful for America. In God we trust!
Ben and the older kids went to a get together with some of his patients. Fiona and I joined them there after.
Fiona and Ben enjoying a spectacular firework show.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Baby Birds
I wish I could say that these birds grew and eventually flew away to find their mother, but I'm sorry to say they didn't make it through the first night.
We had them in a box, with plastic mesh clothes pinned on top, placed high on the top of our barbecue. I knew our cats couldn't get to them, but didn't consider other nocturnal wildlife. I should have brought them into the garage or put them back into the gourd. Either a raccoon or an opossum got to them. What is it with our life and death experiences? Our children are getting a big dose of the circle of life.