Showing posts with label Awestruck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Awestruck. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

To Stay Awestruck

To Stay Awestruck
Written by Brooklyne

Never let His glory fade 
The beauty of this earth He made 
From the countless stars, to every small grass blade. 
Never let His glory fade 


His mercy’s are new each day
Thanking Him always when you pray
For His rich blessings He bestows, come what may
His mercy’s are new each day

His love, He freely gives
Those who are searching to believe 
Love is what made Him suffer so that we could live
His love, He freely gives 
We are His chosen children
To spread the Truth we’re given
Living in peace with our sisters and brethren
We are His chosen children

All powerful! 

Just for us, He sent His Son
He has already fought and won
Leaving the ninety-nine to rescue the one
Just for us, He sent His Son

You are amazing God!

How then, do we forget?
All the criteria He has met
It seems all we do is worry and fret
How then, do we forget…

To stay awestruck?

This song, Indescribable, is what inspired this poem which I wrote at 12:30AM. My writing inspiration never sleeps! :) Anyway, I hope you are encouraged by this poem, To Stay Awestruck. Let this post serve us as a reminder to stay awestruck of our Amazing God! 

Have you ever forgotten to stay truly awestruck? Name one thing that you find amazing about our God. Thank you so much for reading this poem! Have a wonderful autumn day, and I will see you in the comments! :)