To Stay AwestruckWritten by Brooklyne
Indescribable!Never let His glory fadeThe beauty of this earth He madeFrom the countless stars, to every small grass blade.Never let His glory fadeUncontainable!His mercy’s are new each dayThanking Him always when you prayFor His rich blessings He bestows, come what mayHis mercy’s are new each dayIncomparable!
His love, He freely gives
Those who are searching to believe
Love is what made Him suffer so that we could live
His love, He freely gives
We are His chosen childrenTo spread the Truth we’re givenLiving in peace with our sisters and brethrenWe are His chosen childrenAll powerful!Just for us, He sent His SonHe has already fought and wonLeaving the ninety-nine to rescue the oneJust for us, He sent His SonYou are amazing God!How then, do we forget?All the criteria He has metIt seems all we do is worry and fretHow then, do we forget…To stay awestruck?
Have you ever forgotten to stay truly awestruck? Name one thing that you find amazing about our God. Thank you so much for reading this poem! Have a wonderful autumn day, and I will see you in the comments! :)