April 7, 2013

Talon {9 months}

*I {finally} cut my first tooth, and in line with showing my parents that I will always keep them on their toes, my first tooth was my top right.  I got through it alright, just a tad bit grouchy for one evening.  It hasn't grown down too far, but mom says it looks big.

*We celebrated my first Valentine's Day with family dinner and Grandma and Grandpa sent gifts.  Mom made a special treat I can't eat...lame.  Mom sent this embarrassing picture of me to people in a text message and it said "Sending you a 'bare' hug on Valentine's."

*I wear 18 month size pajamas, and really most clothes I wear these days are that size too.  I weigh 21 pounds.

*I'm getting more and more mobile, though I have yet to actually crawl.  My babysitter told mom that when she sets me a bit away from my buddy that is over there in the morning with me, I somehow manage to move over to him and then wrestle him a bit.

*I love to stand up the most.  I'm a champion at standing up to furniture.  I can't scoot around yet, but it is coming soon - then you better watch out.

*I got my first haircut.  Mom tried to give me a trim with scissors and ended up chopping a weird line across the back of my head.  So dad took matters into his own hands and used his big boy clippers.  Before mom even knew what was happening, I came out with a buzzed mohawk.

*I love to run errands and am at my best when out and about.

*Mom took me to the park with my buddies Finn and Jett this month and it is my favorite.  Lots of noise and things to watch, plus I love being outside.

*I can (finally) hold my own bottle.  I decided to cut everybody a break and do it myself.

*I am a super duper awesome at feeding myself.  I would rather use my hands that have someone use a spoon.  My food possibilities are endless, but lately my meals include eggs, beans, sweet potato cubes, carrot cubes, peas, noodles, yogurt, oatmeal, bananas, cooked apples, peaches, mandarin oranges, chicken, and toast.

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