So with Labor Day coming I thought I would leave you with something patriotic.
See you soon!

My Bella Rosa email is down but I sent out a Just Listed link to my BELLA customers last night. Unfortunately I can't access my shop address book so some may have not been included. My apologies! Feel free to pass this post along to your friends to help me get the word out. Thanks so much! I can't wait 'til our issues are solved.
In the meantime, I am taking Dear Bebe out to a good ol country fair this week. Should be fun!
Make it a BELLA day!
Our internet service has been like a roller coaster lately.
First its up. Wheeeeeee! Then it is down. Whoaaaaaaaaaa!
Then our phone went out.
The phone guy was just here and now we have a dial tone. I'm obviously online so that is working...but both of our email accounts are acting up as well. Sometimes we get them and sometimes we don't.
Who knows? By the time I am finished typing this post I may have lost my chance to make it into cyperspace. Frustrating!
Until we know what is going on I'm not going to list anything new just to be on the safe side. I did find an order this morning that eeked its way on through. See? Its random and hard to rely on.
I'll try to visit some blogs before I miss my "window" of opportunity.
Hopefully I'll see you on the upside!
For another miracle makeover check out Kelee Katillac's page for a deeply inspiring story.... how a cancer survivor received her own miracle which all started by a blog post, comments, and prayers. (Published in the Guideposts magazine)
For more uplifting pink posts click here to see Beverly's blog, How Sweet the Sound.
In fact these store owners knew this was MY PLACE!
About a month before our trip Dear Hubs had been bragging about a bicycle he found for me at a yard sale for 5.00. Yes, I rolled my eyes and only imagined what awful thing he had dragged home for me. Well, I have to tell you, it ended up being my absolute favorite thing to do each morning... riding on the boardwalk with the Atlantic Ocean as my scenery. Dear Bebe rode on the back of his bike and she just loved it too!
What are you seeing as Frou Frou today?
Check out Connie's blog at Living Beautifully for so much more!