My computer is up and running again, although I feel like I'm not completely my computer self.
We think I was hit by a virus, but are not sure. Dear Hubs restored my computer which means everything was wiped off and I had to start with a clean slate again. Luckily he had backed up my computer but that was AWHILE ago. Anything I had saved since then is gone!
We decided to load the newest version of Microsoft word since we were starting over. All of this has brought about some issues for me.
1. It is different and I'm not used to it.
2. My Outlook Express is not operating and I have to go to the internet to obtain my personal and Bella Rosa emals. (Please bear with me as it slows me down a lot as Bebe is not as patient as I)
3. The internet was not working so Dear Hubby is using some special thing a ma jig to bring it into my computer. (Can you tell I had no idea what he was talking about when he explained it to me?)
4. I feel "virtually" handicapped. All of my photos, documents, templates, etc were stored on my computer and using my laptop was okay but I didn't have all of my tools. Plus, my laptop was not hooked up to a printer. (Difficult to process my Bella Rosa orders without my usual set up.)
So I'm back but with a limp. No, more like a pair of crutches.... with some wood glue! But I'm not letting it stop me.

And I do have some fun news. I found a pink santa ornament or tree topper while I was out with my Dear Mother earlier this week. But when I brought him home I noticed his buttons are missing. The dots are just the glue remnants! And most of his face is covered by his ivory beard. That's okay, he's still cute. I'll find something fun to glue on maybe with a little glitter to give him some extra sparkle.
And pretty soon I'll be running as good as new on my computer too! This New Year's Eve we'll be celebrating with my Dear Father who arrives that morning to visit with us.

Hope you have a fantastic NEW YEAR! I'm joining up with linky parties "Thrifty Thursday over at Bloggaritaville.... and also for "Pink Saturday" with How Sweet the Sound.