Thursday, November 12, 2009

99HTN-Day 12

Extremely bz lately...

What a hectic schedule...

Hari tu,start keje 28hb Oct sampai 7hb baru cuti 1 hari....

Start keje semula 8hb sampai 20/21hb nanti baru cuti...

Aduhai, today baru 12hb....ada 9/10 hari lagik (kira today gak sbb tak g keje lagik)

Tapi nanti,aku cuti sakan la,muahahahha...can't hardly wait...

Regarding 99HTN,still on jer....sket pon tak terbabas...

Actually,I'm kinda can live without rice,but CAN'T live without carb...

Camno nak berATKIN kalo takleh nak tinggal carb....

Selain carb takleh tinggal, ayam dan air manis pon takleh nak tinggal,apo laaaaaaaa....

Dulu tak heran langsung air manis...

Dalam 4-5 bulan ni la baru macam wajib minum air manis...haiyooooooooo

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

99HTN-day 3 :penganjur,gambarku....

(gambo berat 1st day kempen 99HTN)

kak zel,ni gambar ku yang fresh dari oven gitu....

napa tak berapa nak nampak perutku yg boncet gila dalam nih???

OK,sila perhatikan pehaku yang besar itu....*sigh*

Monday, November 2, 2009

99HTN-day 2: Confession

memang ku tak sentuh barang sebutir nasik....


ni adalah hari kedua aku membantai KFC as my dinner...

ku beli yg 2pieces tu je...dilawankan plak ngan air milo...

huwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...mana la berat nak turun cenggini gaya....

aku try, sedaya upaya, untuk tak beli ayam goreng today...


hari ni ada paso malam!!!!!!aku salu beli ayam goreng yang seketol sehengget lima kupang tuh!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tanpa nasi...

Frankly, dulu ku pernah berjaya tak makan nasik lebih dari 30hari...

Apa yg buat ku makan nasik semula?

Bila ku timbang berat ku naik!!!!!!

Stress bangettttt....

Nak kat sub dengan yg tinggi carb pun takde sangat....nak kata makan benda lain banyak pon tak gak...

Ptg2 makan sup or ratah lauk je...tghr n sarapan makan apa je ek,lupa dah...

Tapi,.....tapi yer anak2.....

1 benda yg ketara,perut buncitku ni tak la bloated sangat...

Nak kata tak buncit,still buncit, tapi tak bloated la...

Ala2 kemas sikit lelemaknya...seriously!

Dan, dari yang kemas tu nak ke buncit asal balik, ambil masa jugak la....

Mungkin ku patut lihat perubahan inci instead of kg....

Tapi sumpah sedih n nak ngamuk bila tengok berat makin naik!!!!

99HTN-Day 1

Bangun2 pagi,terus melompat atas penimbang berat....
Sorry ye tuan penganjur,kamera henpon jer ni....Tapi leh nampak berat tu kira ok la kan?
Maafkan atas ketidaklawaan ibu jariku juga...Dulu kakiku ada bunion,after a while,dah kecut, hasil akhirnyer,jadi la macam dalam gambo tuh....
Untuk gambar full,akan ku kasik ke email ye....
Gambar ni pon akan ku emailkan jugak....

Friday, October 30, 2009


Disebabkan ku nak join 1 contest nih,maka ku unprivatekan blog ni....

Tapi terpaksalah gigih mendelete mana yang tak patut,nasib la ni blog yang kira baru lagik,ihiks...

Nantilah,ada masa,ku makeupkan semula blog ni yer...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

adrenal fatique

while browsing, aku terbaca tentang 'adrenal fatique' ni...

aku rasa macam mengena je pada aku...

somewhen in last year,aku ingat aku ada thyroid prob since susah nak loss weight,senang nak increase, tapi result negative(meaning that sume pon masih dalam keadaan normal)...

but,when it comes to this topic,aku rasa cam simptom2 tu aku ada...

Ok,briefing,what is adrenal fatique (TQ for your article,Dr.Lam)

Adrenal fatigue should not be confused with another medical condition called Addison's disease where the adrenal glands are not functioning. While Addison's disease is often caused by auto-immune dysfunction, adrenal fatigue is largely caused by stress.

Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue
  • Tendency to gain weight and unable to loose it, especially around the waist.
  • High frequency of getting the flu and other respiratory diseases and these symptoms tend to last longer than usual.
  • Tendency to tremble when under pressure.
  • Reduced sex drive.
  • Lightheaded when rising from a laying down position.
  • Unable to remember things.
  • Lack of energy in the mornings and also in the afternoon between 3 to 5 pm.
  • Feel better suddenly for a brief period after a meal.
  • Often feel tired betweeen 9 - 10 pm, but resist going to bed.
  • Need coffee or stimulants to get going in the morning.
  • Crave for salty, fatty, and high protein food such as meat and cheese.
  • Increase symptoms of PMS for women; period are heavy and then stop, or almost stopped on the 4th day, only to start flow again on the 5th or 6th day.
  • Pain in the upper back or neck with no apparent reasons.
  • Feels better when stress is relieved, such as on a vacation.
  • Difficulties in getting up in the morning
  • Lightheaded

Other signs and symptoms include:

Mild depression

Food and or inhalant allergies

Lethargy and lack of energy

Increased effort to perform daily tasks

Decreased ability to handle stress

Dry and thin skin


Low Body Temperature



Unexplained hair loss

Alternating constipation and diarrhea


See???I told you so, what makes me think I'm suffering this stuff...Apakah yang harus ku lakukan?Jumpa doc?Hurmmmm.....