Showing posts with label family. Show all posts
Showing posts with label family. Show all posts

Thursday, July 9, 2009

At each other's throats

This is what it is like day in, day out with my two eldest!! Today isn't going to be any different. They've been up for all of an hour, and I've already separated them four times, and stopped three arguments. Argh!!! DD (aka middle child) is a stirrer. Big time. I don't know if it's her role as the only girl, or whether it is because she is the middle child. Or because I'm being punished and this is what I was like as a child!!! LOL.

But it's so frustrating!!! It's peaceful and quiet when DS#1 is at preschool for the day, as DD and DS#2 tend to go about their own business. But DS#1 and DD are like Fire and Ice. Chalk and Cheese. They have their moments when they play nicely. But you know it won't last for long before there is an argument over something *sigh*. They'd fight over a fly walking up the wall, seriously!!!

They are lucky enough to each have their own "sketch", and they still argue over the same one.

No wonder I need a weeks break! Dealing with these two arguing day in, day out is tiring. We can go grocery shopping, they'll argue. They sit on opposite sides of the car, they argue. They sit on opposite sides of the table, they argue. I just don't know how to move past it and get them to cooperate (or at least stay apart!). They're only almost 5 and just turned 3. And I'm sure everyone will say it will be this way until they're well into adulthood!!!

Today's Exercise - 35 minute walk, with some good hills! 2 bonus points. It was raining 5 minutes before I left for my walk, but thankfully it stopped, and I took my little umbrella just in case, but I didn't need it. I feel empowered! I walked past a worksite, and one of the (nice looking) blokes there even gave me a second look. Must have been early. Or dark.