Μελισσοκομικός Σύλλογος Νομού Πέλλας - Ο Μέγας Αλέξανδρος-ΠΕΝΤΑΠΛΑΤΑΝΟΣ ΤΘ 377,58100,ΓΙΑΝΝΙΤΣΑ ΠΕΛΛΑΣ-Τηλ:6937275481 Πρόεδρος Κοντόπουλος Αλέξανδρος, 6977 027612 Γιαλαμπούκης Γιώργος- Επίτιμος Πρόεδρος E-mail: beeclubpellas@yahoo.gr,beeclubpellas@gmail.com - BEE CLUB PELLAS-THE GREAT ALEXANDER-YΙANNITSA PELLAS, ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΙΑ-MACEDONIA- HELLAS-GREECE,- Ωράριο λειτουργίας (ΔΕΥΤΕΡΑ+ΤΕΤΑΡΤΗ 18.00μμ-20.00μμ)

Δε φτάνει ο ήλιος μονάχα, η γη σοδειά να δώσει, χρειάζονται κι άλλα πολλά, και προπαντός η γνώση… (Κωστής Παλαμάς)

Έλληνες, ο πραγματικός Έλληνας ηγέτης θα βρεθεί. Το πιο σημαντικό αυτή τη στιγμή είναι να βρεθεί ο πραγματικός Έλληνας ΠΟΛΙΤΗΣ!"

"Προδότης δεν είναι μόνο αυτός που φανερώνει τα μυστικά της πατρίδος στους εχθρούς, αλλά είναι και εκείνος που ενώ κατέχει δημόσιο αξίωμα, εν γνώση του δεν προβαίνει στις απαραίτητες ενέργειες για να βελτιώσει το βιοτικό επίπεδο των ανθρώπων πάνω στους οποίους άρχει..." - Θουκυδίδης (460-398 π.Χ.)

Λένε ότι οι πραγματικοί φίλοι μπορεί να περάσουν μεγάλα χρονικά διαστήματα χωρίς να μιλήσουν ή να ειδωθούν, χωρίς ποτέ να τεθεί σε αμφιβολία η φιλία τους. Όταν βλέπονται, ενημερώνονται σαν να είχαν μιλήσει την προηγούμενη ημέρα, χωρίς να λαμβάνεται υπόψη ο χρόνος που πέρασε ή πόσο μακρυά ήταν!

“Γίνε εσύ η αλλαγή, αν θες να αλλάξεις τον κόσμο” Μ.Γκάντι

etm-mthoney-720p από cosmosdocumentaries

Μακεδονία ~ Ένας πολιτισμός αποκαλύπτεται ~ bbc... από KRASODAD

Καιρός ...απο το toukairou.com


Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα ΚΥΨΕΛΗ Herold prey. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων
Εμφάνιση αναρτήσεων με ετικέτα ΚΥΨΕΛΗ Herold prey. Εμφάνιση όλων των αναρτήσεων

Τετάρτη 2 Μαρτίου 2016

ΚΥΨΕΛΗ Herold prey

Herold prey
Fits 10 frames Zander or 12 frames
Normal level is the herald loot a classic
under the moveable hives, made ​​of 30 mm
strong M assivh olz have the frames over a
stable interior roll down from about 40.4 x 47.6 cm.
All prey items are free of knots, solid ver glues and
ge screwed.  
Dimension of approximately 54 x 44 cm

Deliveries of hives and hive parts without frames and without paint
Matching frames can be found here , g eeignete paintings can be found here

Herold prey
consisting of:
Mchen three Ganzzargen for 10 RAH
Zander or 12 frames normal level
an insulated timber lid
without accessories
2360 Herold prey with high ground
Height 87 cm, weight ca. 17 kg
€ 132.00

23601 Herold prey with flat bottom
Height 8 3 cm, weight ca. 1 6 kg
€ 128.00

2361 Herold prey Hochboden
Stainless steel ventilation grille and Varroa
insert plate
inspection and working flap
Integrated Mouse Lock
Hiking grid suspension frame
Height 14 cm, weight 4 kg
Price without building ban / drawer
€ 32.00

2362 Herold booty building ban
against Illegal building, measurements: 385 x 405 mm
€ 4.90

2363 Herold prey varroa drawer
is from the rear through the work in flap
used the high ground and allows
so comfortable, bees free
Varroa control
€ 17.80

23611 Herold prey replacement bonnet and tailgate for high ground
Approximate dimensions: 405 x 87 mm, 17 mm thick
€ 8.40

2355 Herold prey flat bottom
Stainless steel ventilation grille
Squeegee for Varroa control,
is placed under the grid
Fluglochverschluss- and mice wedge
Height 10 cm, W eight 3 kg
Price without flight board
€ 28.00

2356 Herold / Liebig Squeegee for flat bottom
a us light plastic, stable and
kochfest rasterized with 5 x 5 cm large varroa Zählkaros, dimensions 430 x 347 mm.
€ 5.80

23551 Spare hive entrance Keil for flat bottom
with 8 mm slot mice
€ 3.10

23778 Herold prey lapel flight board flat-bottomed OUT
additional touch of 20 cm
- Currently out of print, the NEW PRINTS is erwartet- for early April
€ 0.00

2348 Herold booty walking floor
• Stainless ventilation and Varroa grid
• Squeegee for Varroa control
is placed under the grid
• inspection and working flap
• Plastic flight hole slide
Height 12 cm, weight 2 kg
€ 32.00

2349 Herold booty building ban for walking floor
Approximate dimensions: 450 x 400 mm
€ 4.90

2793 Herold prey wooden floor after Pfefferle
• One stainless steel ventilation grille in wood
frame and a Squeegee as inputs
thrust cartridges, floating from behind
use up or down
• Fluglochverschluss- and mice wedge
• flaps front and rear
• height 12 cm, weight 3 kg
€ 41.90

2794 Pollen trap for Herold wooden floor after Pfefferle
2 pieces
consisting of large area pollen crest woven plastics 0.5mm dia holes and pollen-collecting frame. Both frames are inserted through the rear service cover without opening the box
€ 23.80

2364 Herold prey Halbzarge
Suitable for 12 frames or DN
10 frames Zander with 1 10 mm height
Weight about 2 kg, height 12 cm

The frame is stainless steel rails
delivered for Zander operation.
€ 21.00

2365 Herold prey Flachzarge
Suitable for 12 frames or DN
10 frames Zander with 159 mm height
Weight about 3 kg, height 17 cm
The frame is stainless steel rails
delivered for Zander operation.
€ 26.00

2366 Herold prey Ganzzarge
Suitable for 12 frames with DN
223 mm height or 10 frames
Zander with 220 mm height
Weight 4 kg, height 23 cm
The frame is stainless steel rails
delivered for Zander operation.
€ 28.00

2796 Herold prey ZaDant frame
fits 10 frames ZaDant
from 477 x 285 mm, weight 5 kg
Height 29.5 cm
The frame is stainless steel rails
delivered for Zander operation.
€ 41.90

2797 Herold loot a half frame
fits 12 frames normal level
One and a half of 394 x 338 mm
Weight 5.5 kg, height 34.5 cm
The frame is stainless steel rails
delivered for Zander operation.
€ 41.90

2353 Herold prey Schauzarge
for 10 frames or 12 frames Zander normal level with shop windows, insulation, glass and closure plate.
Weight 4.5 kg, height 23 cm
The frame is stainless steel rails
delivered for Zander operation.
€ 43.90

2369 Herold prey intermediate bottom
with entrance hole and lockable
Bunghole. By using the sup-
delivered bee escape is the
Intermediate floor as honey
removal-retired usable
Height 4 cm, w eight approx 1.5 kg
€ 18.50

8613 Herold prey insulation
through the use in the intermediate floor
Art. 2369 produced a winter cover for
Regulation of temperature and Stock-
moist. Size 478 x 408 mm
€ 3.00

2350 Herold 4p offshoot floor Zander
with stainless steel - Varroa grid, Squeegee and four air holes. By using the separating differences up to four cuttings can be formed in a frame. Fits Zandermaß, price differences without separating
Height 10 cm, weight 4 kg
€ 32.00

2351 Herold Divider Zandermaß
matching the offshoot floor wooden
Approximate dimensions: 432 x 216 mm
€ 3.50

2354 Herold offshoot box Zander
consisting of:
a 4-spin ground with stainless steel
Varroa screen and Squeegee
three separating differences
a herald Full chime
a herald wooden lid
Height 3 6 cm, weight 10 kg
€ 86.50

2372 Herold prey Casing
glued and screwed laterally
Rise and sturdy aluminum mounting angles
Capacity 10 liters, height 14 cm,
Weight 3.5 kg
We recommend pouring with
Beeswax or interior painting
with tub paint Art. 2127
€ 26.00

23725 Herold aluminum perforated angle
as a substitute for the Casing
€ 3.50

7196 Herold prey feeding trough 8 L
of 2 mm thick plastic
Angle coverage and perforated aluminum sheet,
for resting on the rebate a
Leerzarge, size approx 47.8 x 40.5 x 9 cm
€ 21.00

2358 Herold booty walking frame
ver one top fan and intermediate floor.
Z to Au fsatz to Z evil, so that the bees do not verbrausen while hiking. With stainless steel ventilation grille and fold. Zus ätzlich with closable em Flugloch, for the benefit of the intermediate base with trunk contact.
Height 3 cm, weight about 1 kg
€ 16.30

2373 Herold prey wooden lid
with insulation insulation
Od approx 51.5 x 44 cm
Height 3 cm, weight 2 kg
€ 16.00

2374 Herold prey tin lid
is placed over the hardboard cover,
galvanized, conical
Bearing surface inside: approx: 51.5 x 45 cm
Height 6 cm, weight 2 kg
€ 15.00

23745 Herold prey stainless steel lid
tapered fit, is the
Hardboard cover slipped
Bearing surface inside ca: 51.5 x 45 cm
Height 6 cm, weight 2 kg
€ 24.80

2394 Herold stainless steel lid
Straight, slim cut
with an internal dimension of about 540 x 450 mm
Height 3.5 cm, weight about 1.5 kg
€ 27.00

2357 Herold prey gabled roof with metal plating
massive and from knot-free wood. With galvanized sheet metal hood and revolving roof overhang. Special feature: The metal cover is made ​​in one piece and not severed by a center seam od approx 56 x 49 cm.
Height 13 cm, weight 4 kg
€ 39.00

2352 Herold prey gabled roof with copper fitting
massive and from knot-free wood, and with all-round roof overhang with weatherproof copper fitting and First Bar
Od approx 56 x 49 cm, height 15.5 cm, weight about 5.5 kg
€ 74.00

2346 Liebig / Herold Beutentrolly
less lifting - move more, to roll
stacked Honigzargen. consisting
from a rollable steel frame with
removable inner tub, the vice
rotates as Zargenwanne eg when
Transport can be used in the car.
Capacity 120 kg
Dimension 54 x 46 cm,
Weight 4 kg
€ 49.90

2367 Herold prey metal fencing
for resting on the frames
galvanized size 477 x 405 mm
€ 7.50

23675 Herold prey Niro Fences
for resting on the frames
Stainless steel 1.4016, size 4 77 x 405 mm
€ 12.40

2370 Herold prey plastic circular grid
yellow, for resting on the frames
Approximate dimensions: 477 x 405 mm, 3 mm st ark
€ 4.80

2371 Herold prey capping Fix clear
for resting on the frames,
0.4 mm thick and stable in itself
Approximate dimensions: 477 x 405 mm
€ 1.95

20893 Herold prey Propolisgitter
Blank for Herold prey
Approximate dimensions: 477 x 405 mm
from 10 piece € 6.40
€ 6.90

2359 Herold prey pollen trap
Flugloch intent with pollen shell and
laterally extendible round hole Crest
high floor for Herold Art. Nr. 2361
€ 19.90

7462 Bieno® Refreshments funnel plate
suitable inter alia for Herold prey
Outer dimensions of Booty cover
ca. 55 x 45 cm
€ 27.60