As for his sis, the whole room was being ransack but no lost of money. Only lost those jewelry but most of them are those cheap jewelry as she don't wear gold...

Pic 1: His sis' room being ransack kao kao...

Pic 2: Closer look at the mess on the bed...

Pic 3: Closer look on the floor

Pic 4: Police checking for fingerprints... first time in my life to see how the police do it... :p
Frankly speaking, hhhmmmmmmmmm... i really find it very funny when i saw the ransacked room because it's funny... hehehee.. ohps... sorry...
Actually should give thanks coz no one was at home, else they might hurt people because they left a knief on the dining table and the knief to chop meat was being stolen too. Maybe they use it as their weapon. Scary.... hhmmm
Who's house masuk pencuri?
More pics and details here ---> His' blog
wat a scene...
last time when my house got burglar, d only thing that he took away is our gas tank @ d kitchen n some coins in my dad's car, by breaking d window
har? took gas tank only?? hehehee... i think that burglar only want money/food related stuff... hehe
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