Tuesday, October 13, 2009

too many wants

I want to bake cookies and leave them as surprises.
I want to watch Shakespeare in Love, because it's waiting on the DVR.
I want to longboard and also to play football but won't for two different reasons.
I want to relearn constellations and reorient myself in them, with them.
I want to stop eating mid-afternoon vending machine pretzel snacks.
I want to go to India and Iceland.
I want to always remember everyone's birthdays.
I want my house to smell like autumn.
I want a cozy reading nook.
I want to put more things on my bedroom walls.
I want to not need sleep.
I want to finish my Halloween costumes.
I want to calm down.
I want to name a dog.


  1. I am with you on the India and Iceland want-those have been on the top of my list for a while now....and as for the snacks we should probably start a support group of sorts for the mid-afternoon craving

  2. no offense but shakespeare in love is not recorded. its on a channel we dont get.

  3. i realized that yesterday when i tried to watch it. :(

    then i deleted it.


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