Showing posts with label Ping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ping. Show all posts

09 June 2017

Dopey Challenge

I revived my Ping and Mulan costumes for the 5K and 10K.  With improvements.  My friend was Merida for the 5K, which I also made.

I was Vanellope from Wreck it Ralph for the full marathon, Syndrome from the Incredibles for the half marathon.  Yes, I made the wig too.  

More pics and construction photos click here

10 June 2014

Disney Costume Updates, for the impatient

For those that can't wait for my laziness to subside long enough to actually write a blog post, you can check out my race costume facebook album, which I just made public.

It is updated with far better regularity than the blog.

Disney Race Costumes

Hard at work on my costumes for the upcoming Avengers races in November!

02 April 2014

Preview of race costumes to come

So I haven't put together full costume construction entries on these yet, but just a little taste of what is coming...

Here I am as Figment for the 2013 Wine and Dine Half Marathon.  Dreamfinder is riding on my shoulder as my companion.

More race photos here.

Here I am as Warrior Mulan, aka Ping, for the Enchanted 10K in 2014, complete with sword.

And as Matchmaker Mulan for the Princess Half Marathon 2014

I ran both races in one weekend as part of the Glass Slipper Challenge.  More race photos here

More detailed posts on all three costumes to come.  AND, I got into the Avengers 5k and Half Marathon in November, so already starting to plot the next costumes!!