Showing posts with label motherhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label motherhood. Show all posts

Friday, December 10, 2010

O, The Irony

After my gratitude filled post yesterday on how good it is to have trials and how much opposition helps us appreciate all the sweetness in life almost did me in today.

Isn't it strange how the biggest trials make us rise to the occasion, but the smallest part of our everyday existence can make it all come crashing down?

Not that anything really bad happened today.

Not that there was anything more than the usual laundry, dishes, sibling bickering or three year old whininess.

Not that I had any good reason for being a grouch today.

I just was.

But even just writing it down helped.

And I don't think it hurt at all that the little ones are all in bed now.

Ah. Motherhood. Gotta love it. : )

Monday, May 10, 2010

So Lucky

Mother's Day was good.

Breakfast in bed. A nap. Homemade presents and cards.

All without Troy around.

Seriously, I feel so lucky to be their mother.

Thanks kids!

Friday, May 7, 2010

An Open Letter

Dear Ticketmaster,

You suck.

All I wanted to do was take my daughters to a Taylor Swift concert. I was online right at 10 am.

I tried to buy tickets, but within seconds you were sold out.

The scalper...oh I mean broker site I visited had 2300 tickets available at 3 to 10 times the price 10 minutes after they went on sale. There is something very wrong with how this is okay.


A Very Disappointed Mom

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Because She's the Mom

Happy Mother's Day!

It has been a great day. I will post more about my own wonderful mother's day tomorrow.

But for today, I wanted to tell you about my mom. (And as a little bonus there's even a picture of me! ha. This is a four generation picture with me, my mom, my grandmother, and my daughters. I hope to take another this summer for my other girls.)

My mom is fabulous. My mom and I didn't always see eye to eye when I was young. That might even be a bit of an understatement. haha

But now that I am a mother, and with hindsight being 20/20, I know that she always had my best interests at heart. And that she did what she thought best to make sure that I turned out okay. And, really, all in all, I think she did a good job!

She grew up with such a different life than I had, and I think that everything that she did was to make sure that my brother and I had every advantage that she didn't have. I know that she would tell you that she spoiled me, and she probably did...but I also know that she pushed me and she challenged me and I love her for that.

I love that she is a person of strong ideals. She holds tightly to those she loves and she would go to the mat for any one of us.

I love too, that now that I am older, I can consider her my friend as well as my mother.

Happy Mother's Day, Mom.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Grandma Lee

So, my grandma is an amazing person. (This is her and Mikayla!)

She is the tinest, little person, but she has a huge spirit. She is quiet and unassuming, so you would never know about the amazing life that she has led...and the heartache that she has endured...and she just keeps going.

I have such fond memories of visiting my grandmother in the of the best vacations of my life was driving out to Minnesota, going to the corn festival in her little town where they cooked corn in an old steam engine and even had bed races down mainstreet! (Yep, people in beds, being pushed down the road by their teammates.)

I love to hear the stories of her youth, growing up in Korea and her life afterwards. She has lived in all kinds of places and had so many amazing adventures.

I am so glad to know her and grateful for the legacy that she has given myself and my children. Without her sacrafices I know that we wouldn't be where we are today.

She is a great grandma!

Happy mother's day, Grandma.
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