Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label cancer. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Things You Don't Expect

A couple of weeks ago we took Mikayla to the dermatologist.

She had an unusual mole on her leg that is growing and changing in both color and shape. We were very concerned about it.

And after everything we've been through in the last year...there is no messing around with these kinds of things.

Sure enough, the dermatologist wanted to have the mole removed and biopsied, but it was so large she referred us to a plastic surgeon.

Well...we met with the plastic surgeon this morning and he too feels we need to have the mole removed.

He is hopeful that the mole is most likely benign (thank goodness), but also feels like this is exactly the type of mole that can turn into something later in life (especially with Mikayla's family history) and should be taken care of as soon as possible. a couple of weeks Mikayla will have surgery to remove the mole. It's a good size mole and will leave her with a 2 to 3 inch scar (hence the plastic surgeon). 

She is a little nervous about the procedure, but I know she's going to do really well. 

And really, as she said, "Well...if you're going to have a big, ol scar, I guess it's better to have on your leg than somewhere else. It will be a good story."

lol. That's my girl!

So...consider this a little public service announcement and remember not only to do your own skin self checks, but also get to know your children's skin as you will know when things are new or beginning to change.'s never too early, and they are never too young.

We will keep you updated on the results of both Mikayla's surgery and the results of the biopsy.

And if you haven't yet watched this amazing video, please take a moment:

Friday, July 8, 2011

The Good News

Troy had his staples removed. 

He is healing well and happy to be able to comb his hear without fear of ripping one off!


We found our Troy is cancer free. YAY!!!!

There were additional cancer cells in the part they removed from his head, however, the perimeters are clear.

He will continue getting checked every few months, but we are beyond relieved that he is well.

Thank you so much for your love and support. I cannot begin to express how grateful we are to all of you.

I know that this really turned out to be quite minor for us...but it didn't feel minor. And no matter how difficult this was...the kindness and love we have received can never be repaid.


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Cover Up

Troy was supposed to have his staples out today, but it didn't work out.

Luckily, we went out last night and bought Troy a new hat ... since his baseball cap wasn't totally appropriate for work.

I think he pulls it off.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Don't Look

Troy had the bandages removed today.

Other than a headache ... he is doing really well.

Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers. We feel so blessed to have so many people in our corner!

And...we did manage to find the silver lining in all of this.

Troy's bald spot is considerably smaller -- apparently one of the treatments for baldness is actually the removal of excess skin.

And...his forehead is a little tighter (so he looks like he got a little facelift). Unfortunately, his hairline does appear to have receded some.

Oh well.

Gotta take the good with the bad, right? : )

Plus...he is still totally hot.

Troy really is doing very well.

In case you are interested..I have a photo.

But...don't look if you are squeamish.

Really. It's gross.

Don't say I didn't warn you!

He really is a superman. I'm so glad he's okay!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Poor Baby

My poor baby.

The surgery went really well. Troy was nervous on the way to the hospital ... i don't think he slept well last night. I'm not sure i've ever seen him nervous before.

But...once he got checked in and prepped, he was a rock.

And I turned back into a worried mess.

The surgery was about 45 minutes and they removed about a half dollar size section from the top of his head. We go back tomorrow for them to take the bandages off. He's got 14 staples. 

They will send the section they removed to a lab at Boston University for processing. We will know in about two weeks if he is cancer free. We have (as does the doctor) -- very high hopes.

Let's have a party when we know for sure.

(He's a good sport, isn't he?)

Monday, June 20, 2011

The Big C

Do you ever think about how much your family means to you?

About how much the people you love mean to you and what your life would be life without them?

I think it's pretty easy to take those people for granted and sometimes things happen that make you take stock of your life and realize that our time here on earth is precious...and relatively short.

And that we really need to cherish the people that mean to most to us.

Troy was recently diagnosed with melanoma.

Melanoma is a type of skin cancer.

It's been a scary time for us...and not knowing or having answers has been really tough.

But through it all, Troy has been a rock. Solid, Sure. Confident.

I, on the other hand, have been a wreck.

Troy likes to say that he has no need to worry because I do enough worrying for both of us.

Which, as loathe as I am to admit, is actually true.

Fortunately, Troy is at stage 1. We caught the cancer very early and Troy has surgery scheduled for Wednesday morning. If everything goes as planned, this should be all the treatment Troy needs.

I think that any time you have trials you have to be grateful for the good that comes from it.

One thing I hope that will come out of this is that we will each take the opportunity to check ourselves and our loved ones for the early signs of skin cancer.

I actually found the growth on Troy while cutting his hair and I urged him to see a doctor.

If you know Troy, getting him to go the doctor was no easy task.

But...he has also come away with the knowledge that he must always wear sunscreen and/or a hat.

I am hoping that each of you will take similar precautions.

Additionally, I have really had the chance to reaffirm to Troy how very much I love him and how much he means to me.

Life would not be the same without Troy in it. (Although I could definitely do without any more "dead husband" jokes from my dear sweet "still living" husband.)

We will keep you posted with how things are going.
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