Saturday, October 18, 2008

Resolving to be a satisficer!

Last month, Real Simple magazine had an article that I've found myself thinking about a lot. It was titled "10 ways to be happier." The whole article was pretty great- kind of unusual for the magazine- I often love the "look" but find the content a little trite and inapplicable to my life. But the part I really liked was a section titled "Don't insist on the best." I was shocked to think that might make me happier. It went on to say that there are two types of decision makers. Satisficers, or those that make a decision once their criteria are met and maximizers, or those who want to make the best possible decison. Satisficers tend to be happier because maximizers spend more time and energy reaching a decision but often feel anxious about their choices- possibly wondering if there isn't something better out there that they missed. It ends with "sometimes good enough is good enough." I think setting up the criteria is the key. Then you can know when you are done and decide to be satisfied with that.

I think this kind of goes along with some things I've been learning over the years, but it was worded in such a way that it really struck me. I'm kind of a perfectionist by nature, but the truth of the matter is- in this life, perfection isn't always necessary or desireable. I love all of the handmade quilts, purses, bunnies, etc. that Tyler's Grandma makes. I've learned a lot from looking closely at these items. The finished product is the goal- not making every stitch perfect. I've learned to use some pictures that aren't perfect for my scrapbooks. I could spend a lot of extra time photoshopping each one- but I don't think my kids care. They just want a book to look at. A "clean" house is usually good enough, even if there are a few dog hairs under the coach. I have a long way to go, but this is something I'm definitely working on.


Collings Family said...

Its so funny how you wrote this a few days ago, but I happened to read it today when it was EXACTLY what I needed to hear. I've been having heart palpitations because the house is a disaster after our weekend full of parties...and the thing about not being able to make a decision because you're wondering if you missed something? Totally me! Thanks for posting.

Judy Huntzinger said...

Quite profound really, we all stress about things that could of, should of, must be better, when if we could just be more gentle with ourselves life would be sweeter and we could save the big bullets for the REALLY important things that are all around us that we must give our very best to. Thanks for the reminder like Molly I needed to hear it.

Leslie said...

thanks for the insight, charlotte. i'm not a perfectionist, but many of my close friends are. i think it's wonderful when people are so careful about life, but, in the end, so many things won't matter. i appreciate your words, thanks!