Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Parent-Teacher Conference

Unlike Leslie, I can't report a brag session after my recent parent-teacher conferences. But I am reminded of a story I recently heard in a fireside at Georgia's ward given by Linda & Richard Eyre. Brother Eyre told about when he was visiting a ward in a little town in Idaho were one father was telling everyone how many great things his kids had done. Finally, a little old man in the back stood up and said, "The Lord must not think much of you, sending you all those easy kids." I definitely don't think that is how it works, but I do like to think that the Lord thought a lot of me, sending me these kids!

We really love the art school Savannah attends. Her teachers had great things to say and it appears she is quite the director (hope that's not a nice way of saying "bossy"). In her Humanities class, they are studying the Renaissance and her group was in charge of making a presentation. It seems she wrote a script for everyone to follow. In her dance class she is also doing a play and appears to really enjoy that. Her math/science teacher said he would like to see her participate more, but everyone else seemed to feel she was really active in group discussions. I think she feels she is in a good place and has a lot to offer.

Emmaline has the teacher Savannah had last year. We were a little worried at first since she is not the "huggy" kind of teacher and is a bit strict. Turns out, she is the perfect match for Emmaline. Emmaline REALLY likes her (might be the first time she has felt that way), and her teacher has enough experience to understand the best way to teach her. She knows Emmaline doesn't do well with the traditional school setting, so she tries to find ways that she can succeed like writing a letter to me explaining concepts rather than taking a multiple choice test. It is so fun to see what she will write and I can really see Emmaline's creativity in what would usually be a dull, mundane task. I think her teacher really sees this as a challenge and she says she is really excited to see the progress Emmaline will make in the next 2 years (she will have her for 3rd and 4th grade).

Really long post... but I love my kids, even though they aren't the most academic. Their creativity is astounding and it really is fun to see what they "produce"... even if it isn't a straight "A" report card. =)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

you have plenty to brag about, whatever! those sound like great reports from their teachers, what wonderful girls you have. Oh, and Richard Eyre baptized my mom's parents way back when in the 1960s.